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Apprentice Tier


  • Your name on social media and the end credits!

  • Access to spoiler-free announcements and updates!

Warrior Tier


  • Your name on social media and in the end credits!

  • Access to spoiler-free announcements and updates!

  • Access to short clips of completed scenes!

  • Access to proposed and completed merch designs!

Commander Tier


  • Your name on social media and the end credits!

  • Access to spoiler-free announcements and updates!

  • Access to short clips of completed scenes!

  • Access to proposed and completed merch designs!

  • Early concept art for each episode in development!

  • Speed paint videos of various scenes depending on the episode!

  • Access to comic storyboards before their release on the official website!

Supernatural Tier


  • Your name on social media and the end credits!

  • Access to spoiler-free announcements and updates!

  • Access to short clips of completed scenes!

  • Access to proposed and completed merch designs!

  • Early concept art for each episode in development!

  • Speed paint videos of various scenes depending on the episode!

  • Access to comic storyboards before their release on the official website!

  • Early VIP access to the latest episode

  • Free stache of merch!

  • Early access to each script after a new episode release.

  • Early access to the series’ soundtrack for every upcoming episode.