The Return of Creativity

The Return of Creativity

Jan 10, 2022

January is moving right along, even though ours has been bitterly cold so far. We're expecting warmer temperatures this week, which I'm looking forward to.

With the warmer weather will come snow removal, walking outside again, and hopefully at least one run on my cross-country skis. When it's minus 40 out, I prefer to stay inside. Thankfully I have an exercise bike now so I can keep active to a certain degree, even with the frigid temperatures.

I have been spending a lot of time at my computer working on my podcast, updating my Etsy listings, and designing some new printables for my Etsy Shop as well. My latest addition is a word list/character sketch booklet for novelists.

My goal for this month is to get at least a few more chapters written in the second novella of my Mount Brooksby Series. The first was written over two years ago, and the second was started before my world went south. (To learn more about that, you can listen to Episode 5 of my podcast.) Now that I'm starting to feel creative again, it's time to finish Book 2.

Being creative depends on a few main factors, in my opinion anyway.

  • Proper rest.

  • A healthy diet.

  • Regular exercise.

  • A positive outlook.

  • Practicing self-care.

I find the more relaxed I am the easier it is for my characters to emerge. And since I am a pantser when it comes to writing my novellas, I love where they take me. I can have a plan in the beginning, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's how it's going to go. I have learned to let them lead the way, because the results are always so much better than what I initially thought.

I'm happy my creativity is returning, and look forward to sharing my characters and behind the scenes with my members. If you want to learn more about them, please sign up for my Bronze Membership. I appreciate your support as I embrace the return of creativity.

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