1 sostenitore
Changed URL:

Changed URL:

Mar 18, 2022

We decided to remove subdomain 'search' from the URL and leave only This website is now much more than just search (years ago it was designed to be a search engine only), so the 'search' subdomain is now outdated. Today we provide to you an up-to-date list of active repositories which is (probably) far better then any post at any forum. You may also browse packages from those repositories without adding them to your DSM. We also provide proxy repository which is new in version 1.0 (read more below). As you can see search engine is now only the addon but it completes Synopackage features. Old subdomain still works, but it redirects you to this website.

The change was affected on 7th of March 2022. All links from should work as a redirection to the new URL.


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