Types of Digital Marketing Services

Types of Digital Marketing Services

May 22, 2024

Digital Marketing is now the only way to market your products or services online. It consists of various method which helps your brand to get noticed by more target audience and boost more sales. Today every business adopts various types of digital marketing services to grow their business over the internet. Marketing directly to people who are likely to be interested in a company's product is possible with different digital marketing services. Here is our guide on types of digital marketing services.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing comprises all the marketing techniques, are used to market businesses online and helps to connect with their customers. Blogs, articles, social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube), emails, newsletters, and business websites work as the mediums to connect with target customers. Digital marketing offers an opportunity for every type of business to grow online. It helps businesses to engage with their customers in various ways. Businesses get the opportunity to get an unexpected return on investment.

Top 10 Types of Digital Marketing

Here are the top 10 types of digital marketing which is mentioned below:

1. Search Engine Optimization or SEO
2. Pay-Per-Click or PPC
3. Content marketing
4. Social Media Marketing
5. Email Marketing
6. Affiliated Marketing
7. Mobile Marketing
8. Video Marketing
9. Influencer Marketing
10. Audio Marketing

1. Search Engine Optimization or SEO

Search engine optimization is mainly used for ranking your website on search engines like Google and Bing. Usually, most people are likely to see the first page results on search engines whenever they search for something. So, it is very essential to get a spot on the first page of search engine result pages (SERPs). For that, now every business wants them to be on the top of search engine results. To get a spot on the top, you need to adopt SEO strategies including adding title tags and meta descriptions, keyword research, link building, publishing quality content, and adding images and videos.

For example, if you have a saree business and want to attract online customers too, you first need a website. Research keywords which are related to your business and put keywords on your content to get noticed by your target audience who search for your products. Try to write quality and relatable content and publish it from your website, and links like internal links and also external links in your website content. To implement SEO on each webpage, you can use CMS platforms. WordPress is the most popular CMS platform for website SEO and here you also find various plugins to add features to your content.


1. It’s free of cost

2. Helps to get a spot on the first page of organic search results.


1. Takes time to rank any website on the first result page with SEO.

2. Technology and content are essential to SEO.

2. Pay-Per-Click or PPC

Pay Per Click advertisement is the process of getting traffic to your website by paying the publishers. You need to pay for each and every click you get on your website. It is a paid advertisement, most businesses start using it because SEO takes many times to rank any website on the search engine result pages (SERPs). One of the most popular examples of PPC campaigns is Google Ads.

When you search for something on the search bar, you can see the results on your screen. You can see some ads on the top of the first result pages, which are called “Google Ads”. It offers you the top spot on the search engine result pages (SERPs). Also, there are various platforms where you run your PPC campaigns such as sponsored LinkedIn messages, Facebook, and Twitter Ad campaigns.


1. Rank any website quickly.

2. Time efficient


1. You have to pay for it.

2. Most people think it is not trustworthy.

3. Content Marketing

Content Marketing is one of the vital types of digital marketing. It is the process of marketing your products or services by pushing various types of content such as blogs, infographics, podcasts, social media posts, videos, and more which help you to generate leads and traffic to your website. When you’ll start content marketing, always remember who is your target audience, what they need, and what solutions they are searching for.

These will help you to choose your topic to write about. But you need to keep your mind that content should be related to your products or services, useful and high quality. Quality content does not just help you to increase sales but also helps to boost user engagement, online brand reputation, and trust. Other forms of digital marketing such as SEO, PPC, SEM, and social media marketing all exist because of the content.


1. It’s free

2. Helps to bring user engagement


1. It’s takes time to get noticed by the target audience due to the competition.

2. Required to publish quality, useful and relatable content.

4. Social Media Marketing

After the growth of various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, all marketers start using social media as a marketing channel. Now Social Media marketing becomes a huge part of digital marketing strategy, where marketers use various social media channels to boost brand awareness and get traffic and leads to their websites. Among other forms of digital marketing, social media marketing overlaps with SEO, PPC, SEM, and content marketing. Here are some social media platforms which are mostly used for social media marketing which are mentioned below:

1. Facebook
2. Instagram
3. Twitter
4. LinkedIn
5. Youtube
6. Snapchat
7. Pinterest


1. Increase conversion rate.

2. Helps to target the specific audience to market your products or services to the right users.


1. Social media algorithms are changed frequently. You need to keep yourself updated with algorithm changes.

2. It takes to time to get success with a proper strategic plan for social media marketing.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is the process of promoting brands by sending emails to your clients. The best example of email marketing is the newsletter. When people visit your website, you can ask them to sign up for the newsletter. Then you can easily send them updated emails to your target audience.

You should create your email marketing campaigns with a subscriber list that you earned for your content, instead of paying for it. In order to maximize engagement with your brand, you should target the users who subscribe on their own. By using email marketing, you can build a loyal customer base, increase brand awareness, and collect honest feedback from them.


1. High ROI

2. Getting more customer engagement


1. Spam issues

2. Ease option of unsubscriptions

6. Affiliated Marketing

Affiliated marketing is the type of marketing where one business partners with another business to promote their brand on their websites. Affiliated marketers promote other brands’ products or services, in return get a commission if leads are generated. It will help you to expand your brand identity, and increase your website traffic. For example, if you write content for beauty products and you have many followers, you can start affiliated marketing by making a partnership with a beauty product company.


1. Easy to start

2. An effective method of driving traffic


1. High competition

2. Commission-based payment

7. Mobile Marketing

Today, most people use mobile to see quick results on any search engine. They are more likely to use their mobiles for any things like purchasing or searching for any products or services. Mobile marketing is used in any app, to engage more mobile users to their website. Therefore, it is crucial to build an app that is intuitive, simple, and user-friendly. Push notifications can also be sent through the app on a regular basis. Your product will remain engaging to them if you do this. Coupons and special offers can also be sent out via SMS. People who don't own smartphones can also be targeted by it.


1. Increase Accessibility

2. Cost-effective


1. Navigation Issues

2. Issues with screen size

8. Video Marketing

Video marketing is a method of prompt your brand, products or services by using or creating videos related to your business. It is one part of content marketing. It provides information about related solutions to your brand and also what solutions your target audience tries to find.

It will help boost user engagement to your website because most people like to see visual content instead of reading content. One of the biggest examples of video marketing is Youtube where you share videos on your brand-related topics. To create a video marketing strategy, you need to find your target audience and identify their needs. Creating quality and relatable videos will help you to boost sales and also user engagement.


1. High conversion rate

2. Increase user engagement


1. Ads issues

2. Time-consuming issues

9. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the method of promoting your brand through a partnership with any influencer like any celebrity, authority, or expert who has many followers. This kind of marketing, you can see in social media platforms. Basically, when any influencer promotes any products or services or brands, their followers are more likely to engage with that brand's products or services. It will bring more user engagement along with more traffic, and leads to your website.


1. Affordable

2. Broaden your reach


1. Partnership with the wrong influencers can harm your business.

2. Legal issues

10. Audio Marketing

Audio marketing is the process of marketing your brand to the target audience who love to listen to radio shows, podcasts or music. In audio advertising, ads are delivered via online streaming platforms in audio format. Millennials spend more time listening to audio than watching TV or streaming video. According to the study, millennials consume 18 hours of audio content a week. It is important for them to establish connections with the brands they love. Nurturing a relationship through audio is a great way to do so.


1. More user engagement

2. Affordable


1. Lack of visual element

2. Limited listeners


We hope this article on types of digital marketing helps you to understand it better. If you are struggling to create a digital marketing strategy to market your product or services, we are here to help you. If you like to read articles on trending topics, keep your eye on our blog page.

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