If you follow on Tik Tok I occasionally give some BTS of my process of editing this podcast. Got a monster episode I'm editing for next Tuesday. Guests + me. The problem, with so many voices together how can you keep them straight and understand who is who? Check out my Tik Tok or just hit the link here. See you Tuesday when the podcast returns for episode 36.
BTS Podcast Editing
Apr 20, 2023
221 visualizzazioni
Hey Everyone. I'm hard at work on the 1 year anniversary episode right now. I'm about 3500 words into the script. I figured what better way to celebrate 1 year was to dive into the book on the pandemic. The Premonition by Michael Lewis was the book that made me realize that we need to look at survival and preparedness differently. At the crux of our national pandemic plan was the inability to move...
BTS: 1 Year Anniversary Episode
Mar 21, 2023
212 visualizzazioni