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Sunny Monday

May 31, 2021

It's here...

After seemingly months of darkness and despair and a lack of a warm glowing orb in the sky the sun has finally made an appearance. I can't wait to wander around London today watching all the sunburnt people who overdid it yesterday in the thralls of ecstasy at seeing the sunshine for the first time in months.

I'm in London for rehearsals for Choir Of Man (although we should already be in America but thats a whole other ballgame!) and the whole place feels wonderful in the sun. Please see below the arty photo I took of a canal in London. This probably makes me a professional photographer of blogger or something.

I've got to somehow spin this little summary of my life into a motivational email so here we go. Strap yourself in. This one is a stretch as metaphors go...

Monday Motivation

If it's going to be sunny... Wear Sunscreen

Stay with me. We can make this motivational...

How many of you have gotten sunburnt.

Sworn "never again"...

Then the very next time the sun comes out you get burnt to a crisp again because it's been so long since you've seen the sun!!

So to translate

If you know the outcome requires a little bit of effort.

Suck it up and put the effort in so your future self has an easier life.

Like when you need to change your bedsheets. But you hate changing your bedsheets. So you avoid it. And you have a lovely day. But then you get home and it's 10 o clock in the night and you're exhausted and now you have to change your bedsheets. And you curse previous Steve for not making present Steve's life easier.

I posted once before about having one good day then repeating it.

This motivational nugget ties into this. Do the small actions which will have future positive outcomes. Repeat them

Right I made a balls of that as a motivational message but I'm tired and sunburnt so you will have to forgive me

In lieu of a coherent and inspiring message you will have to make do with this photo of the dynamics of new dog bed ownership as displayed by Carlos the cat and Jack the dog in the house in which I'm currently staying.

Jack was bought a brand new dog bed.

Carlos has decided it is his.

Therefore they have reached a compromise and Carlos can have the dog bed whenever he wants it.

And Jack gets to stay nearby...

So to end this motivational monday message. If you can.. just be a cat and do whatever you want whenever you want

Have a great day and wear sunscreen.


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