August is here, and keeping to the commitment of posting new pages as episodes, here's the latest episode, Nishachar. Much new content has come up lately about the rush of getting into IIT. All India Rank and Kota Factory to state a few recent ones. The pages I am posting from my Patna chapter are cut from the same cloth but dyed with the colour of feeling isolated when the home becomes a crumbling roof rather than a shelter. Unfortunately, growing up as a boy in late teens in the smaller towns and cities of India, the friendship between male friends often becomes about not sharing how you genuinely feel in life. I am sure that there are exceptions, but the general thumb rule is that your friends are hesitant to be vulnerable, especially if they are all boys. We prefer to take it on the chin till we are beaten blue. Thankful to the friends who changed that in me. I met them late in life, and it took time to break away from this ingrained way of not talking about my troubles, but I am grateful to have a few now.
I am always happy to have coffee coming my way. Please buy me a coffee if you like this month's pages.
There are a few people who have said that they haven't been able to buy me coffee because of transaction issue. You can buy me Chai instead on my UPI ID - 9611655100@upi. 😉