Trust - Trust in What?

Trust - Trust in What?

Aug 04, 2021

Update 4 August 21 by Silver Dove

When I read this text, I could not agree more! Yes, that’s it and I am grateful for the reminder.


A lot of gears started to work in my head and also things from my life showed up, a journey of trial and error. My pattern or program, what ever we want to name it, seems to be different than most others. I was ridiculed often because I didn’t give a sh*t about prestige etc. but still had to play the game, which I did probably not so very well.

There was a time when I tried to fit in with all I could and I remember when I was still very young, often I was laying in bed at night or sitting in a nice place in the forest when I went hiking, what the heck is it that “ticks” different in me? I went out and dancing (which I loved) and drinking and gossiping (which I didn’t mind anymore after a couple glasses of wine…) and the next day I felt empty.

I fell in love with some guys who would never even look at me. I was helping out where ever I could with homework for those who didn’t get it and was always volunteering for work when we had celebrations, cooking, baking and much more.

It was fun and I liked it, but it never gave me that special “something” that I know that must be somewhere. In all our pleasures there was always a lingering negative feeling of competition and envy. It never felt really like “innocent fun”

And I realized when I read this text that this is the key, the Love of God. Not the love of a God somewhere in Heaven or so… but that God that is within us, that God that we also could name Love or Life.

If you surrender to this Divine within and stop to give your power away for cheap pleasure that is for a short time and need repeating, some kind of inner calm and a feeling of gratitude and simple and silent happiness is starting to grow within. The guidance that is connected with this kind of surrender, is fantastic and if one is attuned to this voice within, every thing we need to know and to sustain our life is here. It’s all about Trust… and once you trust, then it is your nature.

The REAL purpose for being human.

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