Trust the chosen path!

Trust the chosen path!

May 28, 2021

Update 28 May 21 by SilverDove

Huge energy flares are coming in as you can see from the Schumann Resonance chart. High energy light bursts are stirring up the human psyche and those awake and awakening feel supporting energy. Those who are sleepers are disturbed by it and increase the negative narrative to keep people in fear and submission.

Now it seems to happen in Asia more and more to make people get the shot. The more desperate the dark ones are, the more it shows how desperate they wan to take many with them into the abyss of the storm.

It feels like we are very close to a break through point, this descending moon cycle is bringing a lot of revelations and those who are connected to their intuition can feel it coming.


Imagine we all are on a boat sailing towards the continent with the higher consciousness. A “better” land. We are in a big storm now and the boat is rocking forth and back very hard. No way we can see anymore where we are going and only the trust and surrender to the knowing that we are protected is what we have left. Now we need to close your eyes and feel only. Be in the moment and trust our chosen path. And now imagine the vision of a bird. Feel how your soul is flying away like a bird and fly with it. It will land save and sound on the new continent with a higher consciousness.


To get there we have to leave the “old me” behind. The programmed personality (persona in Latin means mask/costume) and become the authentic Self. We can’t take that with us into the new realm, it has to go. This is also why that topic of letting go is coming up so often and persistent.

I was watching that video with the “influencers” a couple times more and understand better the way of advertisement. There is a very good article that you can read about it to understand better what is going on.

The attention span of the young generation is very short and this is what the advertisers take advantage of. They make a very short clip with a strong message, repeat it over and over and then it programs the mind of the ones seeing it. This is another important reason to turn off the tell-a-vision and keep away from mainstream magazines. Every thing is image now.

I remember the time when our newspapers had hardly any pictures, it was mainly text … now they all look like cartoons! It is not so subtle anymore as it was in the beginning, the slow transition was very successful! If we have to give out medals, we have to admit that the dark side did a fantastic job… and nearly won the game!

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