Update 22 Feb 23 by Silver Dove
Time for Action!
After the moon reading that was so significant, I wanted to check in with the Dakini Oracle about more details of what is happening now.
The “High Tension” and “Blow your Mind” are closely connected! It is probably quite clear what it means the warrior does not have a head! We can look at it from two perspective: the rulers that are still pretending to rule like the fake JB in the US don’t have a head at all, they are just puppets on a string, in a swamp of negative chaos. It is time to endure the tension, to blow off all the programs and dogma and stand strong without knowing what the exact outcome will be, but trusting that the step we have to take now, is blowing up the old.
To illustrate this further, I think that what happened in my network is a good sample to explain this more clearly.
I just replied in my Telegram Group to a request for a one minute “Prayer” every day. The interesting thing is that this came from Europe with a very interesting list of places, not including the US and Canada. That Asia was not involved is not surprising… I think that for many people in the West, Asia is mainly China. The lady who ff it was very well meaning, but can't see what is really behind all that. Remember that all religion, including the New Age religion, are hijacked by the cabal and about to give your power away. It does not matter if it's a church, temple, ashram, guru, priest or who every, you give them YOUR power!
Just to make the point, check this out:
Espagne 16h00, Portugal 15h00, Îles Canaries 15h00, Costa Rica 20h00, Colombie 19h00, Nicaragua 20h00, Equateur 19h00, Guatemala 20h00, Mexique 20h00, Panama 19h00. Honduras 18h00, El Salvador 20h00, Vénézuela 18h00, Uruguay 17h00, Paraguay 17h00, Brésil 18h00, Argentine 17h00, Chili 17h00, Italie 16h00, France 15h00
This is also very significant why it is not possible that the ascension process is faster and that many are not ready to move into a higher consciousness as long as they are not ready to take actions!
Here the comment to this post:
It is very interesting, the request to pray 1 minute for peace on Earth. I don't want to call it prayer, praying is very much connected with begging .... my experience is that one of my teachers war right: working hands are more holy than praying hands. And look at the words: pray... prey.. coincidence?
We are so much in the paradigm of begging/praying that God or who ever do something for me, instead of getting up and doing something myself.
To give you a sample: a very sick person with cancer prays all days long for health and asks every one to pray for her .....but eats the most unhealthy food and thinks the medical treatment can make her healthy.... when I recommend detox, she looks at me like I would be crazy!
So the problem we have now is not that people don't pray, but that they don's stand up and resist the cabal, still eats the unhealthy food etc. instead of starting to grow food in the back yard, garden, on the balcony, window-gardens are easy for those who live in an apartment.
If the 99% would get up, we would have a different world already. So I am not into those global prayer calls. even to stop a minute what you are doing is not changing the world! The big difference is made when people wake up and resist.. stop to obey and take back their power.... on all levels of life.
You can grow any herb, salad, tomatoes and much more in this way!
Now the next Cared “A-Musement” includes the “Muse” which is all about celebration of life and inspiration. As long as we are not able to celebrate life and from where it is born, the feminine aspect of the Divine, we are lost in Duality and judgment. Here is an aspect of playfulness and honoring of the Divine Feminine, the White Dakini, and the pink Lotus representing her vagina shows the unconditional love of her true essence. The fire in the background shows also her other aspects, her power and fierceness that is always latently present.
She demands that humans learn again to love passionately and with pure intent of enjoyment of the feminine aspect, a potent mystical experience of fulfillment (vs the horrendous satanic practices that are happening). She requests humanity to remember that we came here to celebrate life, not to suffer it and not to be slaves of dark entities. To reclaim the Divine Power and be like …. the image I just got is a cat….: fierce, skilled and fast in fighting and hunting, and sweet and soft, loving and playful when they are relaxed.
Interesting what image came so spontaneously!
The Death Card, that also is the Transfiguration in this combination shows that the “White Dakini” represents the prerequisite for this Transfiguration as well as the fierce Warrior and the “blow your Mind”. It is a male/female balance that has to happen.
I am sure we will now experience first the blow up with the Saturn moving through Aquarius, with the awesome start of the dark moon 2 days ago, the significance of the beginning that the dark moon represents.
All I can say and recommend in the moment is that now its getting even more personal how we are affected with all that is happening in the world. If we don’t stand up and start to take our power back, it will be taken away totally and those in the timeline that is staying in the lower frequency will have to endure this a long time until they will have a chance again for ascension.
I just had a discussion with a very dear lady that is also now thrown into difficult decisions and undiplomatic as my spontaneous Sun/Uranus conjunction is, I told her to either follow the heart or the paycheck…. Luckily she knows me well enough to appreciate the directness of this message that was definitely not what I would have said if I were thinking it over first. But spontaneity is often more healing than well meaning advise.
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MeWe: Silver Dove Network www.mewe.com/join/silverdovenetwork
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