Oracle Reading for 18th of June 24: Hot ...

Oracle Reading for 18th of June 24: Hot Seat

Jun 18, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom with Katharina Bless

Dakini Oracle Reading for 18th of June 24:
Hot Seat

The hot seat is always a message that we are tested. So many things are happening in the moment that is is impossible to keep up with every thing.

The Hot Seat is a test if we are really rooted in our Divine Self and aligned to the highest outcome with every thing we are and what we do.

Number four is also connected to the “four pillars of the universe” and represent balance.

This is a masculine card and the fire that is shooting out of the seat is the transformation energy that nobody can escape.

You can see that “fire” all over the world, separating now the weed from the chaff. It is preparing each person on the planet for the time line to move forward and as I mentioned in other blogs before, we have now arrived all at the same “station” and from here we move on to two different time lines before they separate again. I will add the image here again to illustrate this better.

This Hot seat is the seat for a Master and now we are tested to become a Master of our energies and our life. We are creative beings and our thoughts, conscious or unconscious, create our lives. Now we have to align ourselves to the true response-ability that we came for and choose wisely where we are heading.
The last centuries, even millennia on the false matrix has made life seem like a dream, for most like a nightmare and there was no escape. Now we are about to wake up and even the “project looking glass” could now reveal another future to the Cabal anymore. A future where they can win! They are fighting their last battle and will not win.

So many books have been written and movies have been made to show this, it was always out there for us to see. Now we are in this scenario. Are you familiar with Lord of the Ring? This is a perfect story, but there are many more. A couple stories I always loved are “Momo” and “the Dark Crystal” which was the pilot film for the Muppet Show. I have found Momo on You Tube remastered in English, the original movie was in German. If you like good symbolic message and an enchanting movie, watch it – Enjoy!

If you find the other movie of the Dark Crystal, this is so beautiful and I am sure you will be touched to the core by this one too.

The card also represents an urgency! Decisions have to be made that are demanding our true power of leadership and genuine being.

Energies of transformation are at work, there is no way to escape. Every one on the planet is affected and needs to make decisions now!

Katharina is a spiritual teacher since 4 decades, traveling the world and teaching. As an "old soul" her only goal is to help human beings to see beyond the material/persona limitations. She is retired and lives in Chiang Rai Thailand where she has started to grow her own food, planted a huge orchard of fruit and other trees.

Cards: Secret Dakini Oracle by Nick Douglas and Penny Slinger
I am not using the cards as described in their book.. they talk to me in other ways.

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