Update 16 Sept 22 by Silver Dove
Message about the 24th
You probably all got some info on Sep 24th, there is a lot out there. But I do not believe according to my "input" that something like this will happen. The energy has changed a lot and the global consciousness level is shifting day by day.
You might remember the old prophecies about the "cleansing with fire" and since the consciousness level, the first time in human history has moved beyond a fear bases level, the destruction did not happen. But the shift into the new age is going step by step forward and the light energy is flowing in and causing changes also in the weather. It was very obvious in the cards I had just before that the cleansing is happening and the great wheel of time is moving on!
You might know that the climate change has nothing do do with human beings, but is connected to cycles and also the consciousness level, which influences the weather too! The weather control of today will not override the Divine Plan or hold us back moving forward deeper into the New Age.
To bring on a total crash, the Cabal needs a certain energy and it can only happen in places where there is a very dense, fear based energy. There are such “pockets” of negative energy, and it is mostly in big cities. This is a reason why it is better to live in the country side and leave the big clusters of negative energy. They will take the main impact of the Cabals plans and violence.
The Dakini Oracle for the 24th reveals the following:
The world will be confronted with evil and the truth of evil and this will wake up even more people and be a break through point for the world.
You can see that in the Dakini Cards the Devil is called the “ally” and I quote:
Ally, bears the number 15, the combination of the number 10 of completion and five for organization. It signifies the raw power of the unconscious, in a blatant or erotic sense, the material of all intentional magical acts. This card is related to the Devil in the traditional Tarot.
The Major Arcane is the path of initiation and not a fortune telling tool. It shows the journey of every disciple towards the final goal of enlightenment. I cc a part of my workshop hand out from the Workshop “Tarot, the path of Initiation”:
The Magician reaches his last step of experiencing the destructive side of the ego, the personal separation and attachment which is connected with the personality. (Latin persona = mask, costume)
The magician first has to accept to be a prisoner of polarity to understand the way towards liberation. In this surrender he will find the way out of polarity: the vertical way of understanding that the prison is an illusion will free him.
There is in fact no devil outside of him in charge, his state of existence implies to be “evil” which simply means to be separated from unity, from the divine source. There is no “good and bad” in this, the judgment always comes from a subjective perspective and is not relevant form the view point of a higher dimension. Evil and Live is the same word, just turned around! Evil is against the flow of Live and therefore destruction.
There exists a real being called Devil, it is created by the mass consciousness of human beings with the energy of fear, pain, guilt and punishment. The image of the Devil was created by religion and lives from the energy of those who believe in it. This topic is important to know, but will be addressed in more details later. The entity “Devil” has no live on it’s own, it is siphoning life energy from other beings, from the negative energy of human beings!
The 3 other cards are for the outcome in the Americas, Europe and Asia
you can see that for all the world it will be a break through in awakening and in the Americas the key to understanding of what is going on, for Europe the “magic carpet” that will fly them out of their indecision that prevalent in the masses and in Asia it will bring the understanding of what is happening and help them to move beyond, the Mercury in the Major Arcane in Tarot is the Magician.
All points towards humanity is taking back the power, the sovereignty and the spiritual awakening is happening on an even bigger scale.
Even if it brings some hardship and dire situations, it is the final step and I am very sure that this is one of the final acts in this drama until the whole shift will happen!
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