A message from the Power Animals

A message from the Power Animals

Jun 09, 2022

Update 9 June 22 by Silver Dove
A message from the Power Animals

A few days ago I started to read again the book from Lynn Andrews: The Medicine Woman”. When I moved to Aisia 30 years ago, the things I took with me were mostly my books. They are all in German and when I was here, I started to buy books in English, because I could not get German books (or with a lot of difficulties) and that was good, because it was my real “deep learning” of English.

I have started to reread German books and I was really amazed how much was in there that I didn’t remember. I was working a lot with Shamanic Animals and went through a few initiations on that path, but a new path started then and now, with a lot more life experience, the boos are different.


So I was very happy to find my “old” Power Medicine Cards and asked them for a message for today for my and my Network. Interestingly I did draw the same card last night for myself when I asked what to I have to pay attention to right now.

The spider has a powerful message and I made a photo from the book “Medicine Cards” from Janie Sams and David Carson.

It is time to weave a new world, to spin the thread and capture the good things and let the “bad” things be caught to become her dinner.


We are talking about the “web of illusion” and looking at the web/internet we can see that those lost in the web of illusion – the ones who believe in the “Tell-A-Vision” and accept this as reality become food for the spider.

A big lesson here is to see through the illusion of “good and bad”. First there was just yin and yang, the energy of light and dark or like we have in the electricity the positive and negative pole that create the energy.

Once the judgment came, every thing went wrong. Those who came to teach us the “good and bad” have captured humanity in their web of illusion, since in a higher light dimension there is not good or bad. There just IS!

Every thing in polarity, in existence, has a beginning and an end. Therefore we need the dark womb where the seed can grow to be birthed and step into the light. In the light all that exists has a shadow, and out of the light and the shadow spouts the experience of life.


A powerful message of the Spider Woman is for now that we are called to create… create…. Consciously create the new world. Something can only come into existence if there is imaginative and creative power that brings is into existence.

We have been conquered with deception and illusion and now it’s time to wake up and create the world WE want and deserve as divine beings having a human experience.

We are infinite beings and the limited time we spend in 3 dimensional experience is limited, but not who we are. Life is constantly weaving new patterns and realities and if we see the expansiveness of the eternal plan, we are walking the path as a conscious creator.


It is said that “God” made humans in his image… he is a creator… so we are too. Just maybe.. he is not a he…. And like in the words Goddess – God is included.. also in the words female we find male and in Woman we find man… so think about it… .

In the Medicine Woman book Agnes Whistling Elk said: There are medicine man and medicine women. A medicine man has his power from a woman, it always was like that.

Now men have taken over the world, but do you see how many of those man actually are women..


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