Docker Essentials is Ready

Docker Essentials is Ready

Nov 27, 2021

It sure feels like a lifetime since I began planning out Docker Essentials (my latest book and course) all those months ago. But finally, it's live!

If you weren't aware that I was working on it, or hadn't heard anything about it, here's the synopsis:

Docker Essentials is a free book and course that will teach you the essentials of how to develop and deploy applications (using an example PHP application) with Docker Compose. You'll learn how to develop, test, debug applications running inside containers, debug containers when they don't work properly, and deploy your code to production — or anywhere other remote environment.

At the moment, the book's ready, but the course is still in active development. That might not make a lot of sense. However, the course content is based on the book, so I had to finish the book first, before I could start the course; in my mind at least.

So, for the next month or so, I'll be chipping away at the course, and will keep you updated as to when it's ready.

If you've had issues getting your head around Docker, or only ever got so far before the article that you found either left out an essential part of the process, or just didn't cover the process from start to finish like you were expecting, then this book is for you!

Grab your copy today and get in to the fun that is Docker!


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