In this article we will learn how to multiply any two or three digit number with 11. Let us say we have to multiply 234 and 11. We will follow the folllowing steps for finding out the outcome. 1.Write the given number ( number to be multiplied by 11) as shown 02340 ( ie, prefix and suffix it with 0 ) 2.Start adding from extreme left ie 0+2=2 , 2+3=5,3+4=7,4+0=4 3.Write the numbers so obtained from...
How to multiply any number with 11
Dec 22, 2021
I have been teaching Mathematics worldwide online since 2007. During my tutoring journey, I found many students struggling with Mathematics. I feel that, at one point in time , we teachers are also responsible if our students are not liking the subject or showing poor performance in Mathematics. Keeping that point in view , I have decided to work on the basics of mathematics and present them in th...
About me and my plans
Jun 21, 2021