Meetings on Meetings on Meetings

Meetings on Meetings on Meetings

Jun 01, 2023

Building a team is so hard but I’m slowly getting some like minded individuals on board

I got Shakha helping with production but most importantly, co writing the series and and the pilot episode . Writing is so tough alone, and Shakha and I have known each other for a while so it’s dope to work on something this big together.

I got my boy Darius just helping with ideas. A lot of meetings are kind of just me bouncing little story notes i have off of them and tweaking as I go.

The whole process of creating this series is insane especially with the formats I plan on creating (the series, the mini series, the movie, the game, the comic… the list goes on)

My universe is gone come to life soon and I can’t wait fr. I’ve been building this world with notes, sketches, outlines and ideas for almost a year now (longer technically, this idea was birthed from a consistent idea and character I’ve had for over 4 years now) I hopefully start the first draft of the pilot episode this weekend!

If you’re still on the journey, I love you 🫶🏾

I’ve been watching a lot of video game devlogs and I’ve been wanted to make a similar type of release for this series and all it’s content. More on that this weekend as well 👀

Love y’all have a great Thursday

Povee 👼

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