About Parris K. Butler - Artist
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The great thing about the intermountain west is the mild summers. The downside ,(if you're into gardening), is the short growing season - unless you like cramming more work into a shorter span of time. The local Farmer's Market has upgraded to new digs and I'm there most weekends with Fine Art on T-Shirts. The struggle with modern conveniences continues - see the results over at pkbfineart2023.com...
random update 6-12-23
Jun 12, 2023
struggling with the modern conveniences. pkbfineart2023 is theoretically up and running. for reasons unknown to me, i can't find myself via web search so in some sense i am a rumor to myself. i haven't picked up a brush for couple months, had a literary thing going for awhile but got sidetracked and then lost the thread, (here's a clue, if you ever get the chance to help a friend move (possibly a ...
random update #1 5-26-23
May 26, 2023