New Jerusalem bound

New Jerusalem bound

Dec 04, 2022

I’ve been seeking to be a part of the New Jerusalem. According to Revelation from the scriptures - the New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven.

It’s not a place rather it’s a state of mind.  A world view is the best way to put it.

I’ve been looking at world for a while and it appears  to me … that people are being imposed with categories of the mind that are not coherent with categories of reality.

..The jews have declared war against white Europeans. It's called the Kalergi Plan and it is well underway. Get them first. 

Under the guise of protecting humanity from Covid-19, a disease with a case fatality rate similar to influenza, governments and media around the world have found their scapegoat–the unvaxxed–to help them implement their utopian Marxist agenda and The Great Reset. The utopia where, according to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum , “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” The perceived threat of the unvaxxed provides these revolutionary radicals with the superficially plausible, but erroneous, justification to institute medical mandates, vaccine passports, full-scale social credit systems, and eventually digital currency. In other words, it provides them a path to total domination and control. The unvaxxed are a pretext for tyranny.
.... Air goes in, air goes out. There is no mechanism inside the cloth or paper that filters out a virus. Thirty years of clinical trials prove that masks in no way prevent viral transmission, according to MIT. " Masks and social distancing is akin to a medical talisman", according to the March 2020 New England Medical Journal.. Anyone wearing a mask is either your enemy or too foolish to hold any position of authority. [show less]

Governments do not seem to represent the people but rather appear to be a proxy for oligarchs and globalists interests. Take the pandemic for example - COVID has provided the perfect cover to implement medical tyranny on a global scale. I believe fascism should be spelled Phascism - as it seems the Pharmaceuticals are driving this plandemic.

Legacy or Main Stream Media is biased in their reporting and is really hard to trust. I mean what would you expect when most of those talking heads and spin doctors are brought to you by their sponsors like Pfizer. - thank God for the internet and alternative media or else the brainwashing would be more blatant.

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