
Dec 04, 2022

Do you believe in magic?

It really doesn’t matter. There is magicians. Their teachings are from ancient times and of course they involve curses. The Egyptians were well aware of these things. 

There’s a section in the Bible where Jesus curses the evil spirits that resided in a man. The spirits are cast into a herd of pigs that run off a cliff. According to the Egyptians curses can backfire and impact the one who initiated the curse.

It written Judge not lest ye be Judged - perhaps would be better said curse not lest ye be cursed.

This is the same reason many animals were mummified along with the Pharaoh at his burial. If there was a curse on the pharaoh it would pass to the mummified animals.

What if banker merchants got hold of these teachings and applied it for their own interests?

What if they cursed money? The curse would be in effect as long as money exists.

I’m sure you heard money is the root of all evil or the Love of money is the root of all evil. 

Have you ever asked yourself - what is the root of all money?

The answer is probably not.

These same magicians are pretty much running the whole world today. We might call them bankers merchants - I like to call the Amoricans. I differentiate them from true American Patriot who spilled their blood fighting for the American dream. The history of America is not what we are led to believe - but the American dream is a beacon of hope - A Utopia one might say.

It’s so disheartening what has happened since WW2.

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