From what I gather …
The stability of money
God or Mammon -
Babylon has fallen
Never before have so many Governments worldwide been able to turn off their economies by rules and measures imposed due to a Pandemic.
At the same time you have the Central Banks around the world printing trillions and trillions of dollars. This is unprecedented and will impact further inflation.
It is reminiscent of what happened in 07 - 08.
There is plan.
The plan is called the 4th Industrial Revolution. (Anti-Logos)
The objective is very simple.
Step 1 - Great Reset - banks
Financial crisis 07 - 08
Step 2 - IOT
Step 3 - trans humanism - archons
The zone Covid (nano tag - IOT - Cloud + 5G
Agenda 21 -
It is a world where
the vision of manifesting
the fusion of technology, biology and the physical is of the most important.
Inventory: world and all its resources?
COVID - nano tag
Financial crisis ….
Deed - Word (last will and testament)
I have a dream.
I wish to claim the resurrection.
I will be recognized by the courts as a sovereign nation state and owner of my land (my body - I consider the promised land)
I am man — IAROSE
with a “writ of mandamus “
Written with my own hand and of my own free will.
Notarized and authenticated
= Legal/lawful document
If presented in court it will become a public record
How to register you deed
legally and lawfully
Order and Acquire the death certificate from the coroner of the fictional person that is
Writ of mandamus
Order of a king
New Testament - kings and priests
Notice to world from New Jerusalem
Die to fictional world
And wake up and truly live
In the zone/state I like to think of as and call New Jerusalem.