
Jan 13, 2024

I was contemplating myself and trying to capture my essence, which refers to the nature or quality that defines who I am. However, as I delved deeper into the matter, the only thing that appeared in my mind was an image of you. It made me realize that it was not me looking at you, but rather you looking at me. This reset me to rethink and contemplate again. I wondered if there was no observer, would I exist at all? The same question applies to you if you were in my place.

This reminded me of a phrase I've often heard, "If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one to hear, does it make a noise?" It led me to ponder on the fact that all that exists owes its existence to sound and that all that we can see with our naked eyes owes to light. However, it is not the actual light that we see but rather a reflection of light. The colors we perceive are different gradients of its spectrum. Sight and sound are two of our primary senses, but what about our essence?

I then remembered that God said, "Let there be light," and hence, He is the creator of all things. I realized that I am a creature living life in the creation of the Creator. I have heard that it is written in the stars. I wondered if it all began with the study of the stars and if they were deified into script, becoming Astro-Theology. I also thought that mythology could be the psychology of Theology. I decided to settle down and simplify things.

I concluded that there is order in the universe, and an eternal pattern creates matter. I believe that what matters most in life is family. God is a spirit, light, truth, and love, and in God, we can all be family. However, we have been gifted with free will, and we can choose otherwise. Nevertheless, we cannot escape the consequences of cause and effect, which are immutable and binding. My advice is to shoot for the golden rule, stay the course, and remember that God is before all things because, in God, all things hold together.

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