One doesn’t need a reason, or to wait for a season.
One just has to care about their neighbor, care about Mother Nature and most of all care about what is right, just, and fair.
Each of us is around because of nurturing, credit goes out to the female of the species as the male is to provide and protect his family.
At present, the world seems upside down with the imposition of secular ideologies.
Deep down, we all know there is something a miss with the current human condition.
It's when one wakes up from a hypnotic state that's embedded from birth that foundations are rocked. Once, one realizes all is not what it seems we start living for real. It's bound to blow your mind.
This is where my story begins... it was in 2001 around the time of 9/11 that I suffered my mind being blown. A trip, a psychosis, midlife crisis - call it what you will it doesn’t matter.
Once one goes through it, one is never the same again.
The spirit moved and transformed me, my EGO‘s shell shattered into a million meaningless pieces. The ground beneath my feet disappeared.
I'll admit I was in a euphoric state and I submitted my words and deeds to the will of the most high.
All the church denominations I visited did nothing for me or the restoration of my soul.
To me they were too worldly and materialistic, I am not judging it’s just I have a problem with mammon/money - As the maxim goes the Love of money is the root of evil.
I believe 'Pattern'(Father - The Most-High - Creator) brings forth 'Matter' (Mother Nature - Creation) meaning there is an order to the universe.
'Order out of Chaos' is more of a Satanic/Luciferian mantra or principle.
Each one of us is Spirit in the Flesh.
The existing problem is that most if not all have turned their hearts into cold and hard stone.
It's hard not to blame the secular world for the present human condition.
It seems care and empathy for others fade into a fog of labels and semantics with the right positive action being rare.
One must be baptized spiritually to become a member of the true church, which is the body of Christ. Jesus Christ is the head.
How can one belong to a body without a head - beats me.
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith - he is the authority.
The true Church is made up of sinners who have truly repented and have been born again.
Born again means, one choosing freely to become a new creature, with a new mind, new heart, and a restored soul.
They are sinners who have circumcised their hearts and changed them from rock into flesh.
From experience I can tell you nothing has come close to it - that can fill you with peace, love, and joy.
My favorite verse of scripture is from Psalms.
(KJV) Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
I tend to constantly repeat a command to myself in my mind.
The command is "Be Still and know 'I AM' God", this keeps humble and always puts God first.
"God First then you" was taught to me by my Great-Gandmother, Grandmother, Mother, and my dad.
I've added the following to my mantra to complete my M.O.(Modus Operandi)
Love I am. Peace I am. Joy I am. Fruits of the Holy Spirit, I be.
This is the real me and friends call me "Page."
My friends and I are all on the same page.
Will you be my friend? May I call you "Page"?
After a long walk in the bridge of sighs, it’s lovely to take a deep breath and hear the sound of my heart.
Perhaps part 2 below can help all our hearts beat as one.
Part 2: The Wise G.U.Y.S. Constitution
There's a line in scripture that states something about the government shall be upon his shoulders. It's found in the book of Isaiah.
(King James Version) Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
So, I gathered tidbits here and there and formed my constitution with the hope it goes global, but most of all hoping individuals instill the concept.
I call it "The Wise G.U.Y.S. Constitution.
The Wise G.U.Y.S (Government Upon You Shoulders) Constitution
The Preamble: The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to protect those conditions that let all individuals achieve prosperity and happiness. Those conditions can be delivered by a constitution that prohibits the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person, group, or government against any individual:
The Constitution:
Article 1.: No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, the threat of force, or fraud against the person or property of any individual.
Article 2. Force may be morally and legally used only in defense against those who violate Article 1.
Article 3. No exception shall ever exist to Articles 1 & 2.
The following quotes are additional tidbits for your consideration.
"The coming of a world state is longed for and confidently expected by all the worst and most disordered elements. This state, based on the principles of the absolute equality of men and a community of possessions, would banish all national loyalties. In it, no acknowledgment would be made of the authority of a father over his children, or of God over human society. If these ideas are put into practice, there will inevitably follow a reign of unheard-of terror."
-- Pope Benedict XV, 25th of July 1920
"The same power that upholds nature, is working also in man. The same great laws that guide the star and the atom control human life. The laws that govern the heart's action, regulating the flow of the current of life to the body, are the laws of the mighty Intelligence that has the jurisdiction of the soul. From Him all life proceeds. Only in harmony with Him can be found its true sphere of action. For all the objects of His creation, the condition is the same—a life sustained by receiving the life of God, a life exercised in harmony with the Creator's will. To transgress His law, physical, mental, or moral, is to place one's self out of harmony with the universe, to introduce discord, anarchy, ruin."
--Education, pg. 100