Born to win

Dec 04, 2022

ric Berne - Humanistic – I’m O.K. thing Environment could change you … 


Twenty-five years and four million readers show that Born to Win can change lives for the better. 
This bestselling classic uses the well-known psychological method 
called transactional analysis (TA) to uncover the roles we unconsciously act out day after day. 
Its fifty gestalt exercises have helped a generation realize how they communicate with others and think about themselves. 
If you want to have more control over your life, work more efficiently, and love others happily, Born to Win will help bring out the insight and confidence of a born winner. 

Born to Win: Muriel James - new script on the road 

Psychotherapist Bob Cooke TSTA Talks to Rory Lees-Oakes about Born to Win 
For more details of this book click here: 

Gestalt techniques with T.A. Concepts 

Concepts of script – life plan in history – life plan 

Winner and loser scripts -  

2 chair technique –  

Gestalt focus on the inner - Child Ego state - Inner child, history 

Abraham Maslow 

Carl Rogers 

William Glasser 

Fredrick Perls 

Potential for growth … 

Laughin a lot is hiding a pain … or deep unhappiness 

Happiness is a moment of being, achievement 

Loneliness – begin to see the value of being alone vs. loneliness even being with people can be a lonely occupation 

Ego states – the voices in your head 

Too much analysis vs. mission T.A. childhood affects current life 

Goals that lead to be happy … 

I am one with an interest in the estate. The person is a fictional being and she has evidence in the house legal and lawful document.

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