
Dec 04, 2022

Anyone that trespasses or attempts to trespass against your birthrights is liable for their actions under the Common Law, and any appropriate response deemed to be necessary as a result of their actions is Lawful action. We are all equal under the Common Law, the Law of the Land.

The world is run under Maritime Admiralty law; Maritime Admiralty law is a control structure created by centuries old secret societies and is run globally through Freemasonry. Freemasonry specializes in creating and controlling “governments”, "countries", and "religions", which are all crafty, control structures. The Freemasonic entity that controls this global network has the title of Postmaster General, every country has one but there is one that rules them all.

The Postmaster General of the WORLD is the Roman/British Crown and that Crown is under Vatican rule because the Vatican, the Holy Roman See, is the “King Maker” and ruler of Maritime Admiralty systems. The Vatican is the epicenter of Luciferian rule, they are the head of the snake, just look at the Vatican auditorium, it is a snake head right. Symbolism will be their downfall. The Vatican controls Freemasonry, The Brotherhood of the Snake/Serpent/Lucifer, which is the global legal system that controls all property and commerce and anything that is incorporated within the Freemasonic system. Once you adopt a membership/berth certificate in one of their systems they have created to rob and control you that we call countries, you have lost all freedoms and individual ownership of any property. Sure you get to use things under a contract of usufruct but you never own anything. Sure you have rights, duties, and privileges but those things only apply to the “MEMBER”, the card carrying member of the club/country. You have lost all freedom though and you will own nothing and think you are happy.
Think Matrix. Someone designed the society YOU live within, Freemasons; you had no part in that design; it is an unnatural design.

You can refuse the offer you know; live a real life based upon what abilities you have been given, and do it as a Living Man or Living Woman under the Common Law; do no harm and do not trespass. The simple Law of Mind Your Own Business. Treat others as you would like to be treated right. Make agreements with others or don't, it is our own choice as to whom we contract with. It is as simple as no contract / no JURISDICTION.
There are 3 questions under the Common Law Jurisdiction, from the Royal law.
1) Am, “i”, a Living Man or Living Woman, property?
2) Do you, as an individual, have a signed contract that says, “i”, am your, “property”, or gives you authority over, “i”, a Living Man or Living Woman?
3) Do you, as an acting representative of the, “Service Corporation (government) of YOUR COUNTRY NAME or subcontracting service corporation as operating under a legal system”, or of any other service corporation, have a signed contract that says, “i”, am your, “property”, or gives you authority over, “i”, a Living Man or Living Woman? The answer to all 3 is a resounding NO.
You have just established that no legal jurisdiction exists between you and whom ever you are speaking with. Understand the structure of the world and you will instantly understand many things and how they truly are.

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