Kevin Ramos
134 supporters
VenomLog Chrome Extension, now at Versio ...

VenomLog Chrome Extension, now at Version 4.0!

Mar 26, 2024

Attention VenomLog Community!

We're excited to share some thrilling updates regarding the VenomLog Chrome Extension, now at Version 4.0! Here's what's fresh off the development pipeline:

  • Set Server Name: Seamlessly establish unique identifiers for Discord notifications, ensuring smooth reference and display in the Global Killfeed Channel.

  • Activate/Deactivate PVP: Empower your players with the ability to redeem in-game kits using Rust Console Edition's chat options. Customize kits to their preferences, enabling swift gear-up for intense PvP encounters.

  • Configuration Guidance: To configure your kits effectively, consult our latest publication in the Knowledge Center under "Kit Spawning". Utilize the kit names provided: kit1, kit2, kit3, and kit4.

  • Action Required: It's time to roll up your sleeves! Ensure your community stays ahead of the curve by updating the VenomLog Chrome Extension to Version 4.0 pronto!

Don't miss out on these game-changing enhancements designed to elevate your Rust server experience. Update now and let the excitement unfold!

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