Crazy Man With Gun

Crazy Man With Gun

Jun 07, 2022


Cococino National Forest, Flagstaff, AZ

There is plenty of free camping around Flagstaff. The elevation is around 7000 ft. I had a nice camping spot. Neighboring campers were barely visible through the tall pine trees.

I had been there for fou r days. Too alone to set up my tent. I prefer to be ready to bolt in case of a problem.The only things outside of my car are things I am willing to lose if left behind.

Well shit happened!

Sitting sideways in the drivers seat with the door open, I was focused on my cell phone. Emma was tied to the hand support behind me with the driver side sliding door open. She was sleeping in the dirt.

All of a sudden, Emma burst into a "Kujo" barking attack. I looked up and screamed. There was a man standing about 6 yards from me.

He had come out of the woods The left side of his face was covered with black dirt like he did a face plant in a fire pit. His clothes were old and worn. A thin oldtimer, my height, perhaps retired and as it turns out dangerously crazy.

I jumped to my feet. "Can I help you sir?"

I only caught some of what he was saying. Emma was barking like crazy.

He said things about loose dogs. He pointed to small red marks on his legs. He rambled about stuff I could barely understand.

I stood facing him and spoke calmly. "Sir, my dog is always tied up".

He started waving his arms and talking aggressivly to my dog. He leaned toward her with full eye contact repeatedly threatening "You think you gonna get me? " Emma was very not happy.

"Sir, my dog is tied up." I said several times. Each time louder.

As he walked closer, his hand slid into the pocket of his baggy black shorts. A Gun! He pulled out a fat grey gun!

He waved the weapon at Emma repeating "You think your gonna get me?" Emma was going bat shit.

"Whoa! I don't want any trouble." I explained "I just want to camp and be left alone" Each time he looked at me the gun followed. Yes, pointed right at me!

A fat and grey gun. Maybe a taser gun. In my head, I didn't matter. He could shoot us!

He took another step and I threw my hand up. standing like a traffic cop I forcefully said "Stop!!! Now your making me nervous!"

He took another step. Starting him in the eyes and throwing my hand out strong and at face level I commanded "Sir STOP!"

He started rambling about dogs, you people etc. His crazy was escalating.

Without turning my back to him, I slowly leaned backwards into my car and reached my pepper spray. I adjusted it in my hand and put my thumb on the trigger. Bracing my hand on the top of the door, I aimed at his face and slowly pulled the open door closer to protect me.

He stood staring at me.

Did he see the pepper spray?Did he see that anger starting to mix with my fear and adrenaline.

He started mumbling and then turned and walk away. He headed through the woods towards the next campground. I grabbed my phone and took a video of him walking away.

I was frozen for a bit. I did not want to take my eyes off of him. Finally, when he was far enough away, I threw my stuff in the car and drove away. I took a video of his campsite as I drove by.

I stopped to warn some folks not to walk by him. They offered their camp for safety. I thanked them but explained I am leaving and going to call the cops.

When I got to the paved road (about a mile) I pulled over and called 911.

I explained everything to the Sheriff (including which pocket the weapon was in) and showed him the videos. The officer took my info and complaint. He said "You can go and find another campsite now. We will take care of this.

Well, I couldn't get a campsite right away because when I got back in my car I burst into tears and was shaking. So I just sat there.

Soon two more Sheriff's vehicles came with lights on. Then a full firetruck. Then an ambulance. Guess he acted up with them.

Anyway...I drove about 30 miles back to my previous campsite in the dark. I had met some women there and figured I would feel safer. I didn't want to be we're he could find me.

*I got mailed paperwork mentioning a felony and a notice informing me that he was released from jail after a hearing.

** I wrote this quickly. Sorry if there are mistakes etc. But I don't want to dwell on it to much. It freaks me out.

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