20 sostenitori


Sep 02, 2022

Crappy formatting because on mobile.

First stop of the vacations is Katowice.

This is because it was the best option to go to Sardinia.

We had to drive two hours to the airport and took the ferry towards Stavanger.


The parking lot was kinda far from the airport lol.


Our flight got delayed and we had to wait 1 extra hour! But then off we go to katowice!

Here's a beautiful shot of Copenhagen:


From this moment, I am convinced polish people don't need air to talk their language. It is so funny how the cargo spoke in English calm and, you know, breathing sometimes and when it was polish time, she clap did clap no clap breathe, maybe you only use air when you use vowels? Hahahahaa!

We arrived at Katowice around 00:00. Took a taxi to the hotel, then tried to go to the club and it was closed.

We went to bed.


Woke up at 7 because yeah I don't sleep.

Around 9 we went for a coffee and breakfast!




Really good! I know how to say thanks in polish but for some reason I told them, cześć.

We went for a walk around the city and went to the largest Cathedral in Poland, doesnt seem like it, mwahaa, but what do I know about churches!


It was ok. We walked around, had a coffee in Starbucks and I bought a new backpack. And again, instead of thanks I said dziendobry. My polish isn't polished.

Fun fact: I have a 10 years old backpack that I love. It has traveled with me everywhere! And I always joked it has traveled more than me because it probably had a flight from China xD - farewell amazing backpack, your watch has ended.

Now we wait in a barbershop for Daniel to get a haircut. I write this.

We left the barbershop, which was very funny because the ladies there didn't speak any English so she asked for a picture, but Daniel only wanted a little bit shorter on the sides... Another woman came and translated and Dan said something around the lines, you can get creative... Fair to say Dan is very happy with his new haircut!

Then, we did more walking around the city, had a coffee and a cake and came back to the hotel. Getting ready to have some dinner.


Waaaa to say that was good is an understatement. It was as good as it was cheap; mwaha! And damn was it cheap!!!

We had a beer and an Aperol and then walked around the city while having more beers in different places.


So, after some drinking we decided to go to the club Hah and dance a bit and have more beers. We drank a little bit too much, came back to the hotel to sleep!


The morning started a bit later for me this time yay. I woke up at 8! With a well deserved headache because who did not drink any water all night? Yep.

I had no will to go and drink any water so stayed in bed for 1 hour thinking how nice a glass of water would be, haha. Then Dan woke up and he gave me some water when he was taking a pill for his headache; that I think was stronger than mine.

Took a shower and when I went out Dan was soooo asleep zZZ I didnt have the heart to wake him up, though I wanted to go eat soon so he kind of needed to wake up and shower and stuff... But decided to let him sleep more, so I set the act, I was leaving the random hook-up and prepared for a walk of shame. I put clothes on, got my shoes silently, takes Dan's wallet, and leave super quietly, I was impressed Dan didn't wake up but he was soooo deep in his sleep it made sense too haha... So, I close the door carefully, and come closer to it to make a snoring check... Mission accomplished!

Now ready to start a new life with Dan's wallet.... Haha ah no no.

So yeah I go get us coffee, uneventful. Housekeeping! Haha no no, it's me!

We left the room for breakfast and afterward headed towards the meeting point for Pride. The amount of police officers was incredible, I felt a bit scared but also secured, as the police is meant to make you feel, I guess xD.


The Parade was great, lots of people and families supporting their children and stuff; it was really cute, although my feet hated it. And some of those officers, rawr. Pat down all over me, check twice...

I have a favorite polish song. I hope it's good lol.

It's called Jungle Girl by Young Leosia & Zabso.

After the parade we went eating our favorite polish dish: pierogis!


Took a scooter to the hotel, and took a nap!

Wakes up because someone decided to make a lot of noise outside our room. does not write this and by then just, as usual, letting Dan sleep a bit more before I wake him up...

When we were both up, we recorded a shower video and took some hotel room pictures. The camera was acting up, but got ok eventually. Worth mentioning that the plan was to basically shoot a lot because "there's nothing to do in Katowice", welp... There was. So not a lot of content was created.

After this we got ready and went to the one location where there was going to be a drag show, it was pretty nice. I regret I didn't record one particular part that was just too hilarious! Most of the Queens were really good and thought we only understood four words of the host "make some noise for", she seemed really cool! I also noticed she did breathe while talking; so my theory is now refuted!

After we left, Dan was craving some food so we bought some, ate it while walking towards the hotel and saved half for after the club, haha.

We needed cash to pay for the entrance to the club and the all the ATMs were not willing to give it to us and stupidly it seems like all the ATMs are owned by the same company that refused to give us cash using the phone and also was charging a lot of money for it lol.

At the end we went to the room, got a physical credit card to get cash, our IDs and went to the club! Dan said, nah we don't need the IDS, they asked us for the IDs!

Got in, bought some beer and went dancing. We stayed there until 4am! It was crazy how much we lasted lol like we were really tired and we had a flight to catch later that day...

We ate our leftovers, brushed our teeth and fell asleep.


Wakes up at 7:30. People talking loudly outside and my lack of willingness to sleep properly... Tries to fall asleep for 2 hours unsuccessfully and then wakes Dan up. We took a shower and then had a little photo session for me taking advantage of the daylight we didn't have yesterday. Liked them a lot.

We go out of the hotel buy some coffee and then take an Uber to go to the airport. Security line was soooo long i was a bit scared but we had 1hr and a half so I assumed it will be OK and it was ok, we waited maybe 20 Min before starting boarding the plane.

Bye bye Katowice!

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