Some of you might have noticed that I have been on a tear regarding H-1B visas after Elon Musk went off about them on X. I noted that some of my readers felt that I was being too emotional or not giving Trump enough time to take office, etc. While I can understand why some people didn’t like the public fighting between Musk and MAGA, I’ll explain why it was so important in this article.
Here’s the deal with all the recent drama about H-1B visas: When an issue like this comes up, we must speak out, and we must make it clear where we stand on it. We cannot cow-tow to Trump or Elon’s egos, and we cannot be lickspittles that mindlessly go along with whatever the elites want to do that might affect us or the country in a bad way. Our voices must be heard by Trump so he knows what we expect of him.
Elon got smacked around hard and had a huge temper tantrum on X because he wasn’t used to getting such criticism. He didn’t like the fact that we hit him so hard on X, Substack, and other social media. But our efforts seem to have paid off because now Elon has backpedaled from his initial position and from his screaming temper tantrum:
Elon has gone back to posting about DEI, legacy media, Starlink, and other topics. So you can see the effects of the smackdown he got from all of us. I have seen some people say that our efforts did not matter, but that is not true. You don’t backpedal the way Elon has and then try to change the subject if the withering criticism you received didn’t have an effect.
Here are some recent Elon posts and reposts:
And finally, there was this post, which was an obvious attempt to cool things down and try to get back to a more positive tone:
Now, I want to explain to some of you why I was so pissed off about Elon and that worm Ramaswamy’s remarks. It is not just the idea of flooding America with brown people from India for the purposes of cheap labor. It is also the insult of DEI on top of it. Think about the combination of DEI and H-1B visas as it relates to White males.
DEI has resulted in systemic discrimination against White males at the government and corporate levels. The qualifications and experience of White males mean nothing; the only thing that matters is the color of their skin and their sex. As soon as the blue-haired hags in HR become aware of those two qualities, White males either do not get an interview or are consigned to the category of “non-hirable,” even if they’ve had an interview and knocked it out of the park.
So do you see why I was so pissed at Elon and then Trump for babbling about how much he loved the H-B1 program? The combination of DEI and H-1B has been the death knell for the careers of many White males. And, if you aren’t aware of it, White males have the highest suicide rate of any group in America. Do you think all of that together is just some sort of coincidence?
No, it is not a coincidence. It is a deadly insult and the result of systemic discrimination against White males. Yet, the same elites who have created this system of anti-White male hatred purport to be perplexed as to why White males no longer sign up for the US military in the numbers they used to before DEI was implemented. I don’t doubt that some of these retards are so stupid that they cannot put the pieces together to understand why so many White males have opted out of giving a shit about this country. But others know full well and simply do not care.
The blatant discrimination of DEI is one of the reasons I have long recommended that White males not sign up for the US military and refuse to serve if the elites institute a draft. Let “diversity” put on the uniform and fight, kill, and die for the American Empire. White males have done enough and should not lift a finger for the empire until every remnant of discrimination against them is smashed to pieces and obliterated from the government and from every corporation that exists in this country.
As far as Elon Musk goes, I’m glad to see that he is admitting that the H-1B system needs an overhaul. But will it actually happen? That depends far more on Trump than it does on Musk, though I don’t doubt Musk will have a voice inside of Trump’s administration. But, for now, we can only wait for Trump to be sworn in next month to see what he will do. Anything else is just speculation.
Regarding Trump’s recent remarks in favor of H-1B visas, take it all with a huge grain of salt. He might have been blowing smoke up Elon’s ass. Trump is a carnival barker and one of the best conmen to ever walk the surface of this planet, and I say that as someone who voted for him. But it also means that he often says one thing while doing something else entirely later on, or doing nothing at all. In the case of H-1B visas, we must keep a careful eye on Trump and wait to see what he does.
Anyway, I’m glad Elon has backed off (at least publicly), but his remarks demonstrate why we must not remain silent. As soon as a debate begins on an issue that is important to us, we must actively engage and make it clear what we want, and what might happen politically if we get screwed over. We have about two years to get what we can out of Trump and his administration. So we cannot be passive or weak in our criticisms of him when he potentially goes off the reservation.
I hope this is the last time I have to write about this topic for a while, but we’ll see. 🙄