Lofi HSK 6: Vocab & Sentence Review (Par ...

Lofi HSK 6: Vocab & Sentence Review (Part 4/12 301-400)

Jan 13, 2025

重阳节 chóngyángjié Double Ninth Festival

重阳节是中国传统节日中的祭祖节日之一 chóngyángjié shì zhōngguó chuántǒngjiérì zhōng de jìzǔ jiérì zhīyī The Double Ninth Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals for ancestor worship.

充足 chōngzú adequate

离飞机起飞还有3个小时, 我们有充足的时间可以吃饭 lí fēijī qǐfēi háiyǒu sān gè xiǎoshí , wǒmen yǒu chōngzú de shíjiān kěyǐ chīfàn There are still 3 hours before the plane takes off, so we have plenty of time to eat

筹备 chóubèi preparation

为了筹备这场婚礼, 他都快累出病来了 wèile chóubèi zhèchǎng hūnlǐ , tā dū kuài lěichū bìnglái le He was almost sick from exhaustion preparing for this wedding.

除除 chúchú remove

他毫不除除的答应了我所有的要求 tā háobù chúchú de dāying le wǒ suǒyǒu de yāoqiú He agreed to all my requests without hesitation

丑恶 chǒuè ugly

本书揭露了人性丑恶的一面 běnshū jiēlù le rénxìng chǒuè de yīmiàn This book reveals the ugly side of human nature

抽空 chōukòng Take some time

工作再忙也要抽空学习 gōngzuò zài máng yě yào chōukòng xuéxí No matter how busy you are at work, you still have to take time to study.

稠密 chóumì dense

印度孟买是全球人口最稠密的城市之一 yìndù mèngmǎi shì quánqiú rénkǒu zuì chóumì de chéngshì zhīyī Mumbai, India is one of the most densely populated cities in the world

储备 chǔbèi reserve

一听说食物可能短缺, 大家就立即储备起来 yī tīngshuō shíwù kěnéng duǎnquē , dàjiā jiù lìjí chǔbèi qǐlai As soon as they heard there might be a shortage of food, everyone immediately stocked up

初步 chūbù Preliminary

根据初步调查, 此次火灾可能是人为的 gēnjù chūbù diàochá , cǐcì huǒzāi kěnéng shì rénwéi de According to preliminary investigations, the fire may have been man-made

储存 chǔcún store

东北人喜欢在冬天将大白菜储存在地窖里 dōngběi rén xǐhuan zài dōngtiān jiàng dàbáicài chǔcún zài dìjiào lǐ Northeasterners like to store Chinese cabbage in cellars in winter

触犯 chùfàn offend

他的行为已经触犯了法律, 应该受到惩罚 tā de xíngwéi yǐjīng chùfàn le fǎlǜ , yīnggāi shòudào chéngfá His behavior has violated the law and should be punished

处分 chǔfèn Punishment

他因考试作弊而受到处分 tā yīn kǎoshì zuòbì ér shòudào chǔfèn He was punished for cheating on the exam

处境 chǔjìng situation

你不同情他是因为你不了解他的处境 nǐ bù tóngqíng tā shìyīnwéi nǐ bù liǎojiě tā de chǔjìng You don't sympathize with him because you don't understand his situation.

出路 chūlù way out

对于家庭贫困的孩子来说, 好好读书是唯一的出路 duìyú jiātíng pínkùn de háizi láishuō , hǎohǎo dúshū shì wéiyī de chūlù For children from poor families, studying hard is the only way out

出卖 chūmài sell

我不相信他会为了钱而出卖我 wǒ bù xiāngxìn tāhuì wèile qián ér chūmài wǒ I don't believe he would betray me for money

出身 chūshēn origin

我们无法改变自己的出身, 但可以决定自己的未来 wǒmen wúfǎ gǎibiàn zìjǐ de chūshēn , dàn kěyǐ juédìng zìjǐ de wèilái We cannot change our origins, but we can determine our future

出神 chūshén trance

他站在阳台上望着天空出神 tā zhàn zài yángtái shàngwàng zhe tiānkōng chūshén He stood on the balcony looking at the sky in trance

出息 chūxi Promise

这孩子从小就好学将来肯定有出息 zhè háizi cóngxiǎo jiù hàoxué jiānglái kěndìng yǒu chūxi This child has been studious since he was a child and will definitely have a bright future.

储蓄 chǔxù savings

定期储蓄存款存期越长利率越高 dìngqī chǔxùcúnkuǎn cúnqī yuècháng lìlǜ yuègāo The longer the term of a fixed savings deposit, the higher the interest rate.

出洋相 chūyángxiàng Make a fool of yourself

为了避免在课堂上出洋相他认真的复习了功课 wèile bìmiǎn zài kètáng shàng chūyángxiàng tā rènzhēn de fùxí le gōngkè In order to avoid making a fool of himself in class, he reviewed his homework carefully.

处置 chǔzhì Dispose

对于违反公司规定的员工我们会严格处置 duìyú wéifǎn gōngsī guīdìng de yuángōng wǒmen huì yángé chǔzhì We will strictly deal with employees who violate company regulations

串 chuàn string

老板给我来10串羊肉和5串牛肉 lǎobǎn gěi wǒ lái yīlíng chuàn yángròu hé wǔ chuàn niúròu The boss will bring me 10 skewers of mutton and 5 skewers of beef

船舶 chuánbó ship

中国港口会对国外来的船舶实行14天隔离吗 zhōngguó gǎngkǒu huì duì guówài lái de chuánbó shíxíng yī4 tiān gélí ma Will Chinese ports impose a 14-day quarantine on ships arriving from abroad?

传达 chuándá convey

我要怎么把这个消息传达给他呢 wǒyào zěnme bǎ zhège xiāoxi chuándá gěi tā ne How do I get this news to him?

传单 chuándān flyers

那个男人每天下午都会在这里派发传单 nàgè nánrén měitiān xiàwǔ dū huì zài zhèlǐ pài fāchuándān The man is here handing out leaflets every afternoon

川流不息 chuānliúbùxī Continuous flow

街上的行人川流不息 jiēshang de xíngrén chuānliúbùxī There is a constant flow of pedestrians on the street

喘气 chuǎnqì pant

这两天我忙得连喘气的时间都没有 zhè liǎngtiān wǒ máng dé lián chuǎnqì de shíjiān dū méiyǒu I've been so busy these past two days that I haven't even had time to breathe.

传授 chuánshòu teach

师傅毫不保留的把手艺传授给了我 shīfu háobù bǎoliú de bǎ shǒuyì chuánshòugěi le wǒ The master taught me his skills without reservation

穿越 chuānyuè time travel

没有充分的准备穿越沙漠是很危险的 méiyǒu chōngfèn de zhǔnbèi chuānyuè shāmò shì hěn wēixiǎn de Crossing the desert without adequate preparation can be dangerous

床单 chuángdān sheet

你能帮我换一下传单吗 nǐ néng bāng wǒ huàn yīxià chuándān ma Can you help me change the flyer?

创立 chuànglì Founded

他于1986年创立了这家公司 tāyú yījiǔbāliù nián chuànglì le zhèjiā gōngsī He founded the company in 1986

创新 chuàngxīn innovation

唯有创新 wéiyǒu chuàngxīn Only innovation

企业才能不断发展壮大 qǐyè cáinéng bùduàn fāzhǎnzhuàngdà Enterprises can continue to grow and develop

创业 chuàngyè Start a business

虽然创业失败了但他并没有气馁 suīrán chuàngyè shībài le dàn tā bìng méiyǒu qìněi Although his business failed, he was not discouraged

创作 chuàngzuò creation

经过长达5年的创作他终于完成了这部小说 jīngguò chángdá wǔ nián de chuàngzuò tā zhōngyú wánchéng le zhèbù xiǎoshuō After five years of writing, he finally completed the novel

锤 chuí hammer

我需要一把锤子和一些钉子把这幅画挂起来 wǒ xūyào yībǎ chuízi hé yīxiē dīngzi bǎ zhèfú huà guà qǐlai I need a hammer and some nails to hang this painting

吹牛 chuīniú boast

他说他爸是千万富翁但我觉得他在吹牛 tā shuō tā bà shì qiānwànfùwēng dàn wǒ juéde tā zài chuīniú He said his dad is a multi-millionaire but I think he is bragging.

吹捧 chuīpěng flatter

不少人吹捧这部电影但我不喜欢 bùshǎo rén chuīpěng zhèbù diànyǐng dàn wǒ bù xǐhuan A lot of people praised this movie but I didn't like it

垂直 chuízhí vertical

这两条线互相垂直 zhè liǎngtiáoxiàn hùxiāng chuízhí These two lines are perpendicular to each other

纯粹 chúncuì purely

这纯粹是我的猜测 zhè chúncuì shì wǒ de cāicè This is purely speculation on my part

纯洁 chúnjié pure

他有一颗纯洁善良的心 tā yǒu yīkē chúnjié shànliáng de xīn He has a pure and kind heart

次 cì Second-rate

他不小心被仙人掌上的刺扎到了 tā bù xiǎoxīn bèi xiānrénzhǎng shàng de cìzhā dào le He accidentally got pricked by a thorn on a cactus

伺候 cìhou serve

这个客户特别难伺候不论我做什么他总能挑出毛病 zhège kèhù tèbié nán cìhou bùlùn wǒ zuò shénme tā zǒngnéng tiāochū máobìng This client is particularly difficult to serve. No matter what I do, he always finds fault with me.

词汇 cíhuì vocabulary

学过的词汇长时间不用就会忘记 xuéguò de cíhuì chángshíjiān bùyòng jiù huì wàngjì You will forget the vocabulary you have learned if you don’t use it for a long time

次品 cìpǐn Defective goods

这批货里的次品太多了我要退货 zhè pīhuò lǐ de cìpǐn tàiduō le wǒ yào tuìhuò There are too many defective products in this batch. I want to return it.

慈祥 cíxiáng kindly

奶奶慈祥的面容令人难以忘怀 nǎinai cíxiáng de miànróng lìngrén nányǐwànghuái Grandma’s kind face is unforgettable

雌雄 cíxióng male and female

有些动物是雌雄同体的 yǒuxiē dòngwù shì cíxióngtóngtǐ de Some animals are hermaphroditic

次序 cìxù order

请将这些单词卡片按次序放好不要弄乱了 qǐng jiàng zhèxiē dāncí kǎpiàn àn cìxù fàng hǎo bùyào nòngluàn le Please put these word cards in order and don’t mess them up.

丛 cóng Cluster

有一只猫躲在草丛中 yǒu yīzhī māo duǒ zài cǎocóng zhōng There is a cat hiding in the grass

从容不迫 cóngróngbùpò Take your time

不论遇到什么问题他总能从容不迫的处理 bùlùn yùdào shénme wèntí tā zǒngnéng cóngróngbùpò de chǔlǐ No matter what problem he encounters, he can always deal with it calmly and calmly

凑合 còuhe improvise

虽然这手机屏幕摔坏了但还能凑合用 suīrán zhè shǒujī píngmù shuāihuài le dàn huán néng còuhe yòng Although the screen of this phone is broken, it can still be used

粗鲁 cūlǔ rude

大家都很反感他粗鲁的举止 dàjiā dū hěn fǎngǎn tā cūlǔ de jǔzhǐ Everyone was disgusted with his rude behavior

窜 cuàn scurry

经过一场激战敌军伤亡惨重狼狈逃窜 jīngguò yīcháng jīzhàn díjūn shāngwángcǎnzhòng lángbèitáocuàn After a fierce battle, the enemy suffered heavy casualties and fled in panic.

摧残 cuīcán Destroy

台风和暴雨摧残了大片的装甲 táifēng hé bàoyǔ cuīcán le dàpiàn de zhuāngjiǎ Typhoons and heavy rains destroyed large areas of armor

脆弱 cuìruò Fragile

有些人表面坚强 yǒuxiē rén biǎomiàn jiānqiáng Some people are strong on the surface

内心脆弱 nèixīn cuìruò fragile inside

有些人表面坚强内心脆弱 yǒuxiē rén biǎomiàn jiānqiáng nèixīn cuìruò Some people are strong on the outside but fragile on the inside

搓 cuō twist

他搓了搓手说今天真冷啊 tā cuō le cuōshǒu shuō jīntiān zhēnlěng a He rubbed his hands and said it was really cold today.

磋商 cuōshāng consultation

经过一周的磋商双方终于达成了协议 jīngguò yīzhōu de cuōshāng shuāngfāng zhōngyú dáchéng le xiéyì After a week of negotiations, the two sides finally reached an agreement

挫折 cuòzhé frustration

经历的挫折越多你的内心会越强大 jīnglì de cuòzhé yuèduō nǐ de nèixīn huìyuè qiángdà The more setbacks you experience, the stronger your heart will be.

哒 dā clatter

我的车坏了所以只好搭地铁去上班了 wǒ de chēhuài le suǒyǐ zhǐhǎo dā dìtiě qù shàngbān le My car broke down so I had to take the subway to work.

打包 dǎbāo Pack

服务员麻烦帮我打包这两个菜 fúwùyuán máfan bāng wǒ dǎbāo zhè liǎnggè cài Waiter, please help me pack these two dishes.

答辩 dábiàn reply

马上就要论文答辩了我得好好准备一下 mǎshàng jiùyào lùnwéndábiàn le wǒ dé hǎohǎo zhǔnbèi yīxià My thesis defense is coming soon and I need to prepare well.

大不了 dàbùliǎo Big deal

失败也没什么大不了从头再来 shībài yě méishénme dàbùliǎo cóngtóuzàilái Failure is no big deal, just start over again

大臣 dàchén Minister

在皇帝面前大臣们都不敢说真话 zài huángdì miànqián dàchén men dū bùgǎn shuō zhēnhuà None of the ministers dared to tell the truth in front of the emperor

达成 dáchéng achieve

两国元首讨论了中美经贸问题并达成了共识 liǎng guó yuánshǒu tǎolùn le zhōngměi jīngmào wèntí bìng dáchéng le gòngshí The two heads of state discussed Sino-US economic and trade issues and reached a consensus

搭档 dādàng partner

我们两个人搭档吧 wǒmen liǎnggè rén dādàng bā Let's work together

答复 dáfù reply

我先考虑一下再答复你 wǒxiān kǎolǜyīxià zài dáfù nǐ I'll think about it first before replying to you

打官司 dǎguānsi Litigation

经济上的纠纷多数都通过打官司来解决 jīngjì shàng de jiūfēn duōshù dū tōngguò dǎguānsi lái jiějué Most financial disputes are resolved through litigation

大火 dàhuǒ fire

大伙都同意的话我们就这么定了 dàhuǒ dū tóngyì dehuà wǒmen jiù zhème dìng le If everyone agrees, we'll make it.

打击 dǎjī blow

失业给他造成了沉重的打击 shīyè gěi tā zàochéng le chénzhòng de dǎjī Unemployment hit him hard

打架 dǎjià fight

小时候我和弟弟经常打架 xiǎoshíhou wǒ hé dìdi jīngcháng dǎjià When I was a kid, my brother and I used to fight a lot

打量 dǎliang look at

班里来了个新同学大家都忍不住打量他 bānlǐ lái le gè xīn tóngxué dàjiā dū rěnbuzhù dǎliang tā There's a new classmate in the class, and everyone can't help but look at him.

打猎 dǎliè hunt

他小时候常跟父亲出去打猎 tā xiǎoshíhou cháng gēn fùqīn chūqù dǎliè When he was a child, he often went hunting with his father

搭配 dāpèi match

这条裙子搭配什么样的鞋子才好看 zhè tiáo qúnzi dāpèi shénmeyàng de xiézi cái hǎokàn What kind of shoes would look good with this skirt?

大厦 dàshà building

我的办公室在那栋大厦的16楼 wǒ de bàngōngshì zài nàdòng dàshà de yīliù lóu My office is on the 16th floor of that building

大四 dàsì Senior year

商家在大四宣传这个药物的神奇功效 shāngjiā zài dàsì xuānchuán zhège yàowù de shénqí gōngxiào Businessmen promote the miraculous effects of this drug in seniors

大体 dàtǐ in general

我大体上同意你的看法 wǒ dàtǐshàng tóngyì nǐ de kànfǎ I generally agree with you

大意 dàyì main idea

请用一句话概括这篇文章的大意 qǐng yòng yījù huà gàikuò zhè piānwénzhāng de dàyì Please summarize the main idea of ​​this article in one sentence

打仗 dǎzhàng fight

在这个和平的年代里人人都害怕打仗 zài zhège hépíng de niándài lǐ rénrén dū hàipà dǎzhàng In this peaceful age, everyone is afraid of war

大致 dàzhì approximately

我大致了解情况了会尽快采取措施 wǒ dàzhì liǎojiě qíngkuàng le huì jìnkuài cǎiqǔcuòshī I have a general understanding of the situation and will take measures as soon as possible

逮捕 dàibǔ arrest

他因涉嫌谋杀而被逮捕 tā yīnshèxián móushā ér bèi dàibǔ He was arrested on suspicion of murder

代驾 dàijià Driving on behalf of

他必须为他的错误付出代价 tā bìxū wéi tā de cuòwù fùchūdàijià He must pay for his mistake

代理 dàilǐ acting

总经理病了工作暂时由他代理 zǒngjīnglǐ bìng le gōngzuò zànshí yóu tā dàilǐ The general manager is ill and he is temporarily taking over the work.

带领 dàilǐng lead

工作人员带领我们参观了工厂 gōngzuòrényuán dàilǐng wǒmen cānguān le gōngchǎng The staff took us to visit the factory

怠慢 dàimàn neglect

服务员因怠慢客人而受到批评 fúwùyuán yīn dàimàn kèrén ér shòudào pīpíng Waiter criticized for neglecting guests

歹徒 dǎitú Gangster

面对持刀的歹徒他一点也没有惊慌 miànduì chídāo de dǎitú tā yīdiǎn yě méiyǒu jīnghuāng He didn't panic at all when facing the knife-wielding gangster.

蛋白质 dànbáizhì protein

牛奶和鸡蛋中都含有大量的蛋白质 niúnǎi hé jīdàn zhōng dū hányǒu dàliàng de dànbáizhì Milk and eggs both contain a lot of protein

担保 dānbǎo guarantee

在银行贷款 zài yínxíngdàikuǎn Loan at bank

如果没有抵押就必须有人担保在银行贷款如果没有抵押就必须有人担保 rúguǒ méiyǒu dǐyā jiù bìxū yǒurén dānbǎo zài yínxíngdàikuǎn rúguǒ méiyǒu dǐyā jiù bìxū yǒurén dānbǎo If there is no mortgage, there must be someone to guarantee it. If you want a bank loan, there must be someone to guarantee it. If there is no mortgage, there must be someone to guarantee it.

诞辰 dànchén birthday

今天是毛主席诞辰127周年纪念日 jīntiān shì máozhǔxí dànchén yīèr7 zhōunián jìniànrì Today is the 127th anniversary of Chairman Mao’s birth

淡季 dànjì off season

现在是旅游淡季景点的游客少了很多 xiànzài shì lǚyóu dànjì jǐngdiǎn de yóukè shǎo le hěnduō It’s the off-season and there are fewer tourists in tourist attractions.

胆怯 dǎnqiè timid

面对镜头他似乎有些胆怯 miànduì jìngtóu tā sìhū yǒuxiē dǎnqiè He seems a little timid in front of the camera

诞生 dànshēng birth

1949年10月1日是中华人民共和国诞生的日子 yījiǔ4jiǔ nián yīlíng yuè yī rì shì zhōnghuárénmíngònghéguó dànshēng de rìzi October 1, 1949 is the day when the People's Republic of China was born.

淡水 dànshuǐ freshwater

地球上的淡水资源很稀缺 dìqiú shàng de dànshuǐ zīyuán hěn xīquē Freshwater resources on earth are scarce

党 dǎng party

他加入了中国共产党 tā jiārù le zhōngguógòngchǎndǎng He joined the Communist Party of China

档案 dàngàn file

警方查阅了所有关于他的档案但未发现任何可疑之处 jǐngfāng cháyuè le suǒyǒu guānyú tā de dàngàn dàn wèi fāxiàn rènhé kěyí zhī chù The police checked all the files on him but found nothing suspicious.

当场 dāngchǎng on the spot

两辆大货车相撞一名司机当场死亡 liǎngliàng dà huòchē xiāngzhuàng yīmíng sījī dāngchǎng sǐwáng Two large trucks collided, one driver died on the spot

当初 dāngchū At first

早知道他会出卖我我当初就不应该帮助他 zǎo zhīdào tāhuì chūmài wǒ wǒ dāngchū jiù bù yīnggāi bāngzhù tā If I had known he would betray me, I shouldn't have helped him in the first place

档次 dàngcì grade

这家酒店装修豪华 zhèjiā jiǔdiàn zhuāngxiū háohuá This hotel is luxuriously decorated

档次很高 dàngcì hěn gāo Very high grade

这家酒店装修豪华档次很高 zhèjiā jiǔdiàn zhuāngxiū háohuá dàngcì hěn gāo The decoration of this hotel is very luxurious and high-grade

当面 dāngmiàn in person

这种事情最好当面跟他说 zhèzhǒng shìqing zuìhǎo dāngmiàn gēn tā shuō It's best to tell him this kind of thing face to face

当前 dāngqián current

当前的经济形势不容乐观 dāngqián de jīngjì xíngshì bùrónglèguān The current economic situation is not optimistic

当事人 dāngshìrén party

对方希望和解可我的当事人不同意 duìfāng xīwàng héjiě kě wǒ de dāngshìrén bù tóngyì The other party wants to settle, but my client doesn’t agree.

当务之急 dāngwùzhījí urgent matter

现在的当务之急是解决公司资金短缺的问题 xiànzài de dāngwùzhījí shì jiějué gōngsī zījīnduǎnquē de wèntí The top priority now is to solve the company's shortage of funds

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