This week’s Rough Cuts are both about colors and nature. As very visual beings, we’re heavily influenced by the colors around us. The affect our moods and emotions; our energy levels; even our appetite. As you read this week’s poems, I invite you to think about the colors suggested and how they make you feel.
Both images in this post are mine.
This one is sunshine and happiness,
energy and creativity,
a last kiss of summer.
This one is cheerful and optimistic,
daring and adventurous,
a flake of flame.
This one is power and prestige,
the highest standard,
the signature of success.
This one is passion and performance,
danger and desire,
the look of love.
This one is honest and reliable,
silent and wise,
down to Earth.
Copyright 2022 by M. E. Forbes.
That Witch Hazel and the Japanese Rose,
Daffodils and Forsythia,
rhapsodic optimism;
Stella d’Oro and Black-Eyed Susan,
sunshine, laughter, and ice cream,
unfiltered happiness;
The Gingko and Quaking Aspen glow
the color of treasured yesterdays,
and we forget gold and all we’ve been sold.
It’s the eternal moment
between the last jump off the cliff,
and splashing into the river;
It’s all we’ve lost
and everything we live for.
Copyright 2022 by M. E. Forbes.