Rough Cuts (National Poetry Month Bonus ...

Rough Cuts (National Poetry Month Bonus - week 3)

Apr 21, 2022

This week's bonus Rough Cuts are two poems for children, one cautionary, the other more motivational.


Photo: Saeed Karimi


The words I say into the air

don't just quietly disappear;

they keep going, they keep growing,

so I will always speak knowing

I must be careful what I say,

for my words will return someday.


Copyright 2019 by M. E. Forbes.



Photo: Jose Antonio Gallego Vazquez


Just because someone hasn't,

doesn't mean no one could.

Maybe because no one has

is just why someone should.

Just because it's not been done,

does not mean it can't be;

It may just mean the right one

to get it done is me!


Copyright 2019 by M. E. Forbes.

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