Namaste, Precious One!
I can't believe it's March already! I'm as excited for spring as I was for Christmas. I can't wait for warmer weather, more hours of daylight, Tulips, and blossoms. I haven't used my macro lens much yet, so I'm looking forward to exploring a whole new area of flower photography.
April is National Poetry Month, and since the Rough Cuts posts are about sharing unpolished first drafts of my poems ( strictly for your amusement ), I will try to post more than just once a week during April, probably on Wednesdays as well as the usual Sunday posts. Whether you find them interesting, amusing, or just shamefully bad, expect twice as many poems next month.
For inspiration and in anticipation of National Poetry Month, I am re-reading Nine Horses by Billy Collins, my favorite poet ever. If you're unfamiliar with his work, I can't possibly recommend him highly enough, and suggest you get a copy of any of his work as soon as you can. He is both a national treasure and a master of the art. Next month I will celebrate by re-reading
Oh, you'll just have to wait until next month's newsletter to find out!
March finds me adding the final touches to my recently re-launched website. Thank you to everyone who has visited. I'm trying to write more posts there, but since I only write when inspired, it's taking a while; much longer than I would like, but just as long as I expected.
I now have a channel on Currently, there are only a few videos, which are shorter versions of my YouTube videos, but I intend to feature exclusive content there in the future if I have the time and there is interest on that platform for my content.
On the photography front, I'm still having fun exploring abstract as well as black and white photography, and trying to take more images that can go together as triptychs, so please consider following me on Instagram to see my latest efforts. I would also like to get an ND filter so I can take more long exposure images as well as a point-and-shoot camera to take photos while recording videos rather than having to choose one or the other. I'll update you next month on which I decide to get as my budget does not currently allow for both. The long term goal is to also get a drone at some point so I can add a whole new level to my videos while also using my time much more efficiently. More gear means more content and more variety, including more exclusive content for you, which really excites and inspires me.
That's it for now, so until next time, remember to live compassionately and love always.
Have a magnificent March!