September 2024 Working With The Moon Rev ...

September 2024 Working With The Moon Review

Sep 25, 2024

As the Moon enters the Last Quarter of the current lunar cycle, it's time for me to reflect on the self-observations I've made over the past four weeks and begin preparing for the upcoming lunar cycle.

My Guides introduced me to the practice of working with lunar cycles 33 years ago. In 2019, the latest version of the Working With The Moon tracker, (the AEST version is available for free each month through my Buy Me A Coffee Shop), has become one of the three essential tools for navigating my Divine Union Soul Path.

From the Trigger and Release phase through to the Integration phase, utilizing the Working With The Moon tracker has enabled me to:

  • Observe recurring and emerging patterns in my thoughts and behaviours;

  • Identify the primary energies and frequencies that manifest through me as these thoughts and behaviours;

  • Gain insight into the acquired beliefs and values that underlie these thoughts and behaviours;

  • Become more aware of the frequencies, thoughts, and behaviours that align with my happiness;

  • Fine-tune my alignment so that my personal emanation resonates more closely with Unconditional Love.

As I write this blog post, I’m noticing that the purpose of the tracker is evolving for me. I can see this transformation is partly related to the tracker’s evolution from a simple spreadsheet to a daily journal format. Using the journal version this lunar cycle has helped me stay more present since each day has its own page, allowing me to make observations without constantly reviewing the entire month. However, this journal format does make it a bit challenging to see the overall picture and identify patterns at a glance, so perhaps there will be some tweaking of the format for future months.

I am excited to have recognised this unfolding transformation, especially as this Last Quarter phase of the current Lunar Cycle leads us through the last of the major release of Pluto in Capricorn frequencies and into our first solid steps of a new manifestation of Self through the next Lunar cycle.

Meanwhile, for those that are interested, here is a summary of my observations from my Working With The Moon Journal for the past month:

  • The period from Third Quarter Moon to New Moon during the last lunar cycle brought forth numerous cellular body symptoms and the release of emotional residue;

  • The New Moon to First Quarter Moon of this lunar cycle was marked by heightened communication and intense emotional release over several days. This week also saw a surge in productivity, with many of this month's creative Works in Progress (WIPs) completed, orders fulfilled, and a general reorganisation of my workspace. There was also an increase in social interactions during this time;

  • From the First Quarter Moon to Full Moon, I experienced a profound sense of fatigue throughout my cellular body. The Moon's passage through Capricorn brought a feeling of heaviness and friction, which was balanced by a deeper connection with my spirit guides as the Moon moved from Capricorn into Aquarius. During the lunar transitions through Aquarius and Pisces, I felt a strong connection to the Wind element;

  • The Full Moon ignited a wave of productivity and action, bringing in a new employment opportunity and the start of new creative projects. Interestingly, the Full Moon also prompted a deep exploration of my heritage and family history, a process I haven't engaged in to this extent since 2011.

  • Throughout the entire month I have also noticed an increased awareness of the 'everythingness' and a more instinctive use of silence. I don’t currently have a precise translation for this feeling in English, so for now, the vibrational essence must suffice.

Using the Working With The Moon tracker over the last 5 years, alongside the Basic Breathwork Technique and Silence & Stillness practice, I have released the life-long residues of childhood trauma, let go of hypervigilance, released the ‘need to know’ and embraced what I once perceived as a lack of control. I have moved through the Trigger & Release Phase, the Inner Union Phase, the Physical Union Phase, and the Integration Phase of the Divine Union Soul Path. I have stepped way way way outside my comfort zone and released my attachment to my physical body, made peace with the constructed reality, and have become even more connected to the consciousness of my non-physical form. I’ve discovered Happiness really is possible.

I am so grateful my Guides have lit my way to here 🙏🌈💜

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