January is here.. are you ready to find a new Dance class? I have all the ages covered on this post!
To Download the timetable of Dance classes please see
Toddle Toes Todder dance class with Tappy Toes - Church Crookham
Toddle Toes Baby And toddler dance classes Crawling+ with Tappy Toes - Fleet
Baby Ballet class 2-4yrs - Boogie pumps - Yateley
Baby Street class 2-4yrs - Boogie pumps - Yateley
Toddle Toes Todder dance class with Tappy Toes - Church Crookham, Fleet, Farnborough
Boogie with Melody Monster Dance class YEM Theatre School - Fleet
Boogie with Baby YEM Theatre School - Farnborough
Melody Monster toddler & preschooler music YEM Theatre School - Alton
YEM Theatre School Boogie with Baby - Alton
Preschool EYFS 2-4YR
Pre Acro Dance with Avenue Dance in Hook
Baby Ballet class 2-4yrs - Boogie pumps Camberley, Farnham, Guildford, Woking, Yateley
Baby Street Dance class 2.5yr - 4yr - Boogie pumps Camberley, Farnham, Guildford, Woking, Yateley
Twinkle Toes Tots Ballet with Mummy with DJ school of Dance - Farnborough
Preschool & Pre-Primary Ballet - Demeric Dance Farnham
Stagecoach Early Stages 4-6yr Drama and Acting classes - Yateley & Camberley
Tots Toes Preschool dance classes with Tappy Toes - Church Crookham, Fleet, Farnborough
Preschool Dance with Vanessa Golborn school of dance - Alton
Preschool Musical theatre, Ballet, Tap, Jazz YEM Theatre School - Alton, Fleet, Yateley, Farnborough
Melody Monster toddler & preschooler music YEM Theatre School - Alton
KS1 5-7YR
Acro Dance with Avenue Dance in Hook
Street Dance Infant class 4-7yr - Boogie pumps Camberley, Farnham, Guildford, Woking, Yateley
Ballet class 2-5yr - Boogie pumps Woking
Musical Theatre Primary class 5-11yr - Boogie pumps Woking
Primary Ballet and Tap with DJ school of Dance - Farnborough
D.S.A Junior Theatre Company with DJ school of Dance - Farnborough
Primary Ballet, Acro, Tap, Modern, Street Dance & commercial dance- Demeric Dance Farnham
Stagecoach Early Stages 4-18yr Drama and Acting classes - Yateley, Camberley
Infant Tap, Modern, Ballet, Infant Street dance class with Vanessa Golborn school of dance - Alton
Musical theatre, Dance, Drama, Ballet, Tap, Jazz Class YEM- Alton, Fleet, Yateley, Farnborough
KS2 7-11YR
Junior Street Dance, Acro & Infant Musical Theatre with Avenue Dance in North Warnborough & Hook
Junior Street Dance class - Boogie pumps Camberley, Farnham, Guildford, Woking, Yateley
Musical Theatre class - Boogie pumps Guildford, Woking
Boogie Pumps Performers - Boogie pumps Woking
Primary Ballet and Tap with DJ school of Dance - Farnborough
D.S.A Junior Theatre Company with DJ school of Dance - Farnborough
Primary Ballet, Acro, Tap, Modern, Street Dance & commercial dance- Demeric Dance Farnham
Stagecoach Early Stages 6-18yr Drama and Acting classes - Yateley, Camberley
Primary Tap, Modern, Ballet, Infant Street dance class with Vanessa Golborn school of dance - Alton
Musical theatre, Dance, Drama, Ballet, Contemporary, Tap, Jazz Class YEM- Alton, Fleet, Yateley, Farnborough
YEM Theatre School - Street Dance & POP Vocal Workshop - Fleet
KS3 11-14YR
Senior Street, Musical Theatre, Acro Dance with Avenue Dance in Hook
BP Musical Theatre class 5-12yr - Boogie pumps Guildford
Boogie Pumps Performers - Boogie pumps Woking
D.S.A Senior Theatre Company with DJ school of Dance - Farnborough
Grade 5+ Ballet, Pointe, Modern Theatre, Tap, Acro, Teen Commercial Theatre Dance, Teen Contemporary - Demeric Dance Farnham
Stagecoach 6-18yr - Yateley, & Camberley
Senior Ballet, Conditioning, Modern, Tap, Street, Contemporary, Musical Theatre with Vanessa Golborn school of dance - Alton
Actables Academy Inclusive Drama group - Woking
Musical Theatre, Dance and Drama, Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary, Acro, Tap, Street Dance & POP Vocal Workshop - Alton, Fleet, Farnborough, Yateley
KS4 14YR+
D.S.A Senior Theatre Company with DJ school of Dance - Farnborough
Grade 6+ Ballet, Teen Commercial, Teen Contemporary, Pointe - Demeric Dance Farnham
Stagecoach 6-18yr - Yateley & Camberley
Stagecoach Further Stages 15yr+ - Camberley
Musical Theatre, Senior Ballet, Grade 4/5 Tap, Modern dance, Jazz, Pointe, Tap, Senior Street dance class with Vanessa Golborn school of dance - Alton
Actables Academy Inclusive Drama group - Woking
YEM Theatre Musical Theatre, Jazz, Drama, Ballet, Acro, Tap class YEM Theatre School - Alton, Fleet, Farnborough and Yateley
Boogie Pumps Adult Street Dance - Boogie pumps Woking
Adult Tap, Ballet, Stretch Class, Contemporary - Demeric Dance - Farnham
Zumba at Frogmore Leisure- Yateley
Dance Fitness session at Frogmore Leisure- Yateley
Hook Morris All welcome Practise sessions - Hook
Wassail - Hartley Wintney
Zumba at Places Leisure - Camberley
Aqua Zumba at Places Leisure - Camberley
Stagecoach Further Stages 15yr+ - Camberley
Adult Jazz, Tap, Ballet with Vanessa Golborn school of dance - Alton, Fleet, Farnborough
Musical Theatre, Dance and Drama Workshop 1-21yr YEM Theatre School Fleet
SENIOR 60yr+
Adult Tap Demeric Dance Farnham
Stretch Class - Demeric Dance Farnham
Ballet Demeric Dance - Farnham
Zumba at Frogmore Leisure- Yateley
Dance Fitness session at Frogmore Leisure- Yateley
Hook Morris All welcome Practise sessions - Hook
Wassail - Hartley Wintney
Zumba at Places Leisure - Camberley
Aqua Zumba at Places Leisure - Camberley
Adult Tap with Vanessa Golborn school of dance - Alton
Adult Tap class YEM Theatre School - Fleet
Dates and classes may change, so always check with the dance schools. Data is correct to the best of my knowledge on 9th December 2024 to see more info check out https://localfamily.events/event/tagged?id=dance