to be so lost.

Dec 06, 2024

who says you have to be found?

Photo by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash

who says you’re even lost? this apparent dance back and forth. is not even happening you just think it is.
how do i know all of this is just thought?
i don’t do i? i just think i do and endless empty back and forth. there is no one dancing. and yet dancing appears.
there has never been anyone dancing and yet. here this appears.
what are you running from? what are you hiding from? no thing? there is nothing to run from. nothing to hide from. just this endless emptiness. this dancing. this pretending to dance… it isn’t real. it’s just peace… pretending to be chaos.
it simply isn’t real.
you are this endlessness.
nothing to do.
nothing to figure out.
enjoy the beautiful ride.
your mind is so caught up in fighting.
creating problems where they don’t exist:
angry that it should look another way.

mind wants desperately for ‘this’ to make all ‘that’ go away.
that ‘this’ would mean figuring all of ‘that’ out. for ‘this’ to solve all problems.

but i guess ‘this’ asks is ‘that’ really a problem or do you just think it so?
who says it’s a problem but the very thought that thought it.

as hard as it may be to believe. it is all already done. it is all already perfect.
trying so desperately to know this. to be this when all there is. all there can ever be… is this.

fighting to runaway from this. for it to be anything but this. how could it be?
what would you want?
what would you change?
and that’s exactly how it goes.
that never ending question.
that never ending wanting it to be different.
that creating of it will be better when…
the constant ‘you’ thought stream.
‘this’ isn’t ‘that’
‘this’ doesn’t mean it all disappears.
but there is a thought that it does. that it should.
that all problems will go away.
but what seen is…
who says something is wrong with what appears other than an empty thought?
who creates a problem? no one. problems are only an empty definition to what appears.
amazing how the mind is always seeking imaginary fulfillment.
what does it hope to find?
what does it think fulfillment will be?
forever thinking.
forever problem solving.
round and round on and empty merry go round we go.

row row row your boat…
life is but a dream.

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