there is no path

Dec 11, 2024

because there’s nothing to find

sit with these words for a bit.
what do they bring up for you?


all perfectly ok. all imperfectly perfect.

if there were ever a word to describe what you are. i guess perfect would come pretty damn close though others may choose whole.
”your” humanness just is.
the good, the bad,
the ugly, the beautiful,
and for so long i fought to only be good and beautiful.
but at a certain point, i can’t describe when, neutrality kicked in and i realised i didn’t have to fight to be only good, because good or bad didn’t actually matter. since neither exist.
when we are here as humans dreaming our aliveness within the dream/illusion/maya we are so convinced by its reality that we are blinded by it all. we get consumed in the story never realising it’s all just a stage. if you’ve been searching for the first step, that, would probably be it. to realise everyone, even you, acts as they do no matter what.

cue the illusion of free will. along with the thoughts “i must be controlling this, of course i am.” but maybe it’s the relisation that everything is of “you” or maybe not even at all.

you see through the story and it no longer matters if it’s truth or lie, because none of it matters, none of it has ever been real and that’s just freedom.

what if you realised “what is the point of this?” was answered with nothing and instead of feeling existential dread, it just brought on a smile. that you realised you weren’t alone. that the thought was very “real” or as “real” as could be, and that you found a truth amongst the lie.

and then you began to turn even that on its head because you began to realise, it didn’t matter if it was truth or a lie. but it just brought freedom instead.

freedom, that’s what we all really want. and we keep searching for it, without realising we are already it. and to search is to perpetuate the lie. but the truth is, if the searching makes you happy, makes you feel joyful, then search away because that’s the beauty of all of this. everything and nothing is imperfectly perfect just as it is. and that’s all ok.

with love always,

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