i am

Dec 04, 2024

i am
this unknown
this perfection
this emptiness dancing
but if i try to hold on to that…
poof gone.

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

from the time i claim to know; poof!
this is gone.
i am the unknown
but i am pretends to be the known
pretends to dance in its awareness
not even that.
who would there be to be that?
so beautiful how the mind works really.
appearing to know, to unfold. the ultimate storyteller. endless stories to be told.
the unending loop of pretending to know.

to think you have to be anything is yet another empty thought dancing.
there is nothing to be.
there is simply what is.
within that seems to appear a struggling to find myself. but i am trying to find a self within
the void.
this is hopeless.
this can be devastating.
it is devastating.
this letting go
this falling away
of something into nothing
all endless nothing just pretending to be something.
there is no one who pretends.
there never has been.
there never will be.
there is just an empty thought of pretending.
they are all empty beautiful thoughts.
all just dancing.
nothing known
nothing to know
who would there be to know!?
and yet… knowing seems to appear in the unknown.
it can seem like a knowing. but it is all the same unknowing. pretending.
being held.
thought becoming a ‘my’ thought.
when there is just thought
‘thinking’ it through.
are you thinking it through?
or is thinking just thinking itself?
tell me, where is this you?

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