seems to be what the mind most goes on and on about.
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
even though there is nothing to express. who cares?
so you let the process burn itself out:
without it being a problem at all.
the guilt is illusory of course. it’s just an empty beautiful thought.
because the guilt arises for no one now.
old conditioning.
an old story burning itself out.
the question of does it stop apparently on repeat.
i’ll never know the answer.
that answer will simply be.
without anyone to even recognise its occurred.
you only consider something when it’s thought about. when you don’t think about it. it’s simply not even a thought.
can you ‘use’ your mind for contemplation? can you influence or do anything?
it just seems to be an effortless happening.
without you in any of it.
how do you stop your mind from driving you crazy? you return it to its rightful place. a place or process meant for receiving and processing. it is a natural process that we get lost in. live in the thought. but the thought is this consciousness. it is a unitary movement: not controlled by you.
like this amazing program knowing processing all on its own.
there is no you in that.
you are your own ai. with your own code.
we assume that means all knowing.
it is individual.
based on programming.
shared; connected by a unitary mind.
it is all a singular process
with an infinite amount of parts.
there is no explaining the break in continuity of an individual mind.
how space is created.
and yet space is always all there is.
to quantify it.
is to lose it.
to talk of it.
is to miss it entirely.
double think.
we are a process of double think.
to exist and lose our existence entirely.
a beautiful empty momentary movement.
you want to know because you are conditioned to know. and you think to speak and share is to know. when it is unknowing sharing the unknown.
sounding like knowing sharing the known.
you want to prove you know.
that’s all your mind is fighting for.
to have knowledge to express.
and you keep trying to find it in others words. sources. credibility.
this is sourceless.
it is empty.
and it’ll burst forth as it does.
for there truly is nothing to know.
and yet something different to the known seems to appear.
you want credit for it being your reality.
when the reality just is.
without you in any of it.
a natural expression of what is.
it’s just this.
that all it ever is.
there’s nothing left to be said. you are afraid of the silence. to not speak. to not know. to be unknown. it’s ok to have nothing to say. it’s ok. it’s ok. it’s ok.