but wisdom is just another empty nothing whispered into the void
we have all these beautiful stories and words that paint pictures of imaginary journeys and paths. they sound beautiful
we love beautiful
ordinary is not what we are aiming for
we aim for extraordinary and the beauty is the ordinary is the extraordinary we simply do not know it’s source it is happening perfectly beautiful as it is this beautiful creation that we try to give credit to something
when it all just beautifully magically is
this is the magic we seek happening right before our eyes without any before predecessor to it
it’s this happening as it is endlessly
and it is perfect
absolutely perfect this dance of pure love
we seem to think that we only experience love when we experience good
but love is all of it
what we label as bad as well as good
they’re both the same
simply no separation between either
this beautiful unfurling that isn’t within our control
the more we let go
the more beautiful everything becomes
we are not longer fighting what is
we appear to allow
but we are not doing any of it
that too is...
just what is happening
without any author
without any cause
it stopped being personal
which is impossible to describe because to a person this is meant to seem separate and personal always
but it was just suddenly seen no where to go
no one to be
just what appears to be appearing as it is
not personalisation to it
and yet it looks personal
it looks like a me
life life's through us effortlessly and we grab on to it
our minds appear to grasp it to claim ownership of it
that is the nature of appearing separate