A mosaic of mementos to awaken wonder, welcome wisdom, and hold space for heart-felt musings 🪶
Before landing a job as a writer of copy
Lending my words to tell other people's stories
Selling honey wax and haircuts and hotel reservations
Regarding each word as currency
I was a poet.
Not a remarkable one—not even a good one
But I wrote for the sake of writing
For the sake of translating the untranslatable
My grade school diaries were filled with awkward poems and short stories
High school binders with scribbles of lyrics
College notes riddled with haiku (and occasionally sonnets that will never see the light of day)
Journals full of daydreams.
But slowly I spent hours, ignoring ideas that were tapping me on the shoulder
Until one day—the words never came around to play with me any longer
Writing became business,
and eventually, it became boring.
So this space, I'm dedicating
To reconnecting with my creativity
To awakening my wonder
To exploring the world with wisdom.
And the doors to this secret world of mine
Is open to you.