2 Moons in our night Sky

2 Moons in our night Sky

Sep 25, 2024

Before anything else, I want to welcome back Argo Theoharis in our community which is our Manghihilot in Australia together with our Sister Nawa Sybico.

Now, to start with, it is said that starting September 29, our planet will have a Second Moon which is an Asteroid named PT5 2024 that comes from Arjuna Asteroid Belt.

As you can see, Asteroids are just like a mini planet that also orbits the sun and like the moon in our planet, they are protectors of the planet that is near the sun. Occasionally, some of the asteroids or mini planet will be out of sync to its orbit just like what is going to happen on September 29 to November 25, 2024- PT5 2024 will show up in our Orbit and become a mini moon together with our Original Moon.

Most of our Wiccan friends and mentors believed that this 2nd moon is called Odin's Eye which is a Germanic Deity of Wisdom, Healing, Death, Royalty, Knowledge, Warfare, Battle, Victory, Sorcery and so on.

Being a One-Eyed God, I take it as a resemblance of our Diwata Mayari in her Male Aspect. Since Filipino Diwata are very flexible and can be versatile, they can be both Male and Female in expression and manifestation to mankind, but mostly our Divinities are all Gender Neutral. It is only us Humans that identify the Divinities into male and female energies.

According to our Myth, Mayari loses their eye through a fight with Apolaki which is a Sun God. Both Mayari and Apolaki are Children of Bathala together with Hanan and Tala. But to some myth, only Mayari, Hanan and Tala are the Children of Bathala; while Apolaki is the brother of Dian Masalanta who is the Goddess of Love, being the Children of Anangolay, the Goddess of Lost Things and Dumakulem, which is the Guardians of the Mountains.

If we connect this phenomenal celestial occurrence in working with the Spiritual Realms or Filipino Magick, it can bring 2 things to us. The first is blessings and the other is curse. Our Magick will be heightened on the said period of time, but we have to prepare for any catastrophe to come such as great flooding caused by storms, tidal waves, behavioral change, rise of crimes committed, anxiety, depression, stroke, heart attack and so on.

The Magick of Mayari is powerful enough as the one eye remains to her and her other eye is with all of her worshiper and anointed Binabaylan.

Do you want to know more about Mayari and her mantras? Let me know by buying me an extra cup of Coffee. By the way, from October 2024, we are going to make renovation for Luntiang Aghama Natural Divine Arts Shrine of Healing Inc. We need to create this space so that we could accommodate properly the people who seeks our healing services. Your donation is very much welcome just like how you help us our training center in Taguig, now, I ask you also to help build our Shrine here in Bulacan which is our Home.

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