Hello. Welcome to here. Thanks for taking the time to check things out and consider supporting Fiddleback Productions , purveyor of podcasts and game geekery to the masses. I hope that you'll elect to join us and help us continue to produce fun, informative, and entertaining content and games for all to enjoy. GM Word of the Week has run for several years now and has helped a multitude of Game Mas...
Aug 21, 2021
Hello all. So, let's begin with the thing you all want to know most: When is the next episode out? And the answer to that is, yes. Frankly, I'm hoping to have it out by the end of January. But, as you well know, the pace of release has slowed considerably. There are many reasons for this, but chief among them is just fatigue on my part. It's been a year and then some. There have been some consider...
2024 Year End Update
Dec 30, 2024
You'll notice one of two things in the next few days, depending on how often you use the GM Word of the Week website. Either it isn't working at all and looks dead, or it is working but looks completely different from what you are used to. Do Not Panic. If you need to get on and listen to some episodes RIGHT THE HECK NOW, you can always use this url: If you do...
Website Changes
Nov 21, 2024