For a few days now.. I have been procastinating in painting the desk lamps.. the millennium falcon.. tie interceptor and sith infiltrator.. i havent painted any of them..
but instead i modelled and 3d printed a new suspended model Slave One.. I got a few request msg of people wanting me to make the slave one ship.. so rather than finishing the desk lamps.. i modelled the slave one..
I made the frame to look like a bursting out meteor but since i used black pla for it.. it looks more mechanical.. I added the seismic charges that boba fett usually uses around the frame with 2 explosions..
I had to put a brace on the back of the ship cause the overhang from the tip of the ship is just too steep.. i made it vertical as much as i could without changing the shape of the ship..
On a side note.. Bambu is going to have a sale in a few days.. if anyone looking to stock up on filament or add a new printer please use my link below.. it'll help me a lot..
Filament -
Printer -
once you use the link.. anything you'll buy from the store will get me commissions..
I hope you guys have fun 3d printing this new suspended model..