A business offer that insulted me...And ...

A business offer that insulted me...And why I give my worksheets away for free

Feb 01, 2022

In December 2021, I was contacted by a slick, ESL entrepreneur, who charges $10 a month for access to his bank of resources.

This ESL baron slipped into my DMs with a business proposal: "Take down ESL Uncaged and delete all your worksheets from the internet."

He wrote: "We are interested in buying exclusive distribution rights."Wow.

My lucky day. Finally, the hundreds of hours of work I'd ploughed into ESL Uncaged were going to pay off, I thought.

How much did he offer?

£200. Here's the screenshot.

Of course, I didn't accept. Even when he tried to convince me with this humdinger:

The experience made me reflect, however.

Why should struggling ESL teachers have to pay to get high-quality content - especially when they are just starting, and they are earning peanuts?

Why should big, faceless ESL content barons get to cream the top off our all-too-often meagre earnings?

From that moment, I decided to move to a pay-what-you-can model.

I took down the paywall around my 50+ ESL worksheets, and now it's up to you: how much can you spare to support ESL Uncaged?

Buy me a coffee if you want to put a smile on my face. Or, if you can't afford it right now, drop me a note to tell me which worksheet is your favourite instead.

Let's support each other. And the big ESL content barons can get lost!

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