The Room in the Tower Audiobook now Live

The Room in the Tower Audiobook now Live

Apr 01, 2021

Finally finished my first proper audiobook and published on YouTube!

You can listen here:

The Audiobook is of the public domain work, 'The Room in the Tower', the fantastically creepy, classic horror story by EF Benson(1867-1940).

Sigmund Freud is quoted as saying, “Dreams are constructed from the residue of yesterday” but what if it’s baser than that, more sinister, more primal? What if an event can be so horrific, so full of fear and instinct as to echo back through time in the world of our dreams, to tease an understanding, not of our yesterdays, but our tomorrows? If such dreams, that cause the dreamer to awake, sweating, and heart pounding, reoccurred over and over in our subconscious minds, would these nights of fright help us to face our future fears or to become carelessly complacent to the warnings of our fevered brains? As our narrator visits her house of dream in the waking world, we learn that terror is so much more terrifying in reality than what we ever could have imagined.

The original artwork is available via my Redbubbble shop:

Pro Tip: Don't listen too close to bedtime! Enjoy!

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