The Day of the Law

The Day of the Law

Dec 24, 2023

The Day of the Law; the Day deliberately forgotten at Sinai

Indeed, the Day on which One-who-Is pronounced – amidst thunder and lightning, with the sound of a trumpet and with earthquake – the Law on Mount Sinai, before «the chosen people», that memorable Day has been forgotten in history. The One-who-Is did not intentionally command the commemoration of that magnificent Day by any celebration at the Temple... why? The answer is that the One-who-Is saved the commemoration of that Day for a special time at «the end of history», or special for «the time of the end»... why?

But before I begin to speak of that event – the Day of the Law – which took place in the third month after the exit from Egypt, and before I begin by pointing out the relation of that great event of the past to the vision which the angel Gabriel was sent from heaven to explain (Dan 9:24-27) to Daniel, pointing out that this vision has in view «distant times» or «the time of the end», I must make a few clarifications:

a) this vision has in view the «chosen people» situated on the firmament of history at «the end of the age», according to the intention of the One-who-Is that this vision be understood at «the time of the end»;

b) all attempts to interpret (understand) this vision until the «time of the end» are a failure... why? Because this vision was sealed until «the time of the end»; because this vision was left specifically to be deciphered by a prophet whom the One-who-Is has promised to send „before the day of the One-who-Is, that great and dreadful day”. This is why everyone has failed to interpret this vision... all the rabbis, all the priests and teachers, all the traducers... all of them! Only the Spirit-of-prophecy can bring light to the understanding of this prophecy. This vision has nothing to do with any „Christian” interpretation, for it has always been in the mind of the One-who-Is that this vision should bring to mind the final deliverance of the «chosen people», their bringing home from every corner of the earth; this vision has to do with the coming of «the promised deliverer», «the deliverer» promised in all the prophecies about the «messiah»: „the servant of the One-who-Is”, „the branch (rod)”, „the son of David”, „the ruler”... the „Christians” have forced the interpretation of the „messianic” prophecies, they have put capital letters for the „servant” of the One-who-Is, and they have forced an interpretation of this vision that takes Yeshua (HaMashiach) into account; they, on the principle that a day in prophecy sometimes represents a calendar year, started from the giving of the decree of Artaxerxes (457-456 BC), adding 69 weeks (483 years), reaching the last week, the one divided in two, bringing to mind that in AD 28 Yeshua (HaMashiach) began his ministry, that halfway through the week (AD 32) he was crucified and resurrected, and 3.5 years later (AD 35), through Paul’s mission, they say, the One-who-Is turned His attention exclusively to the Gentiles while the «chosen people» were cast off forever. .. which is grossly untrue;

c) this vision is rather an extension of what is meant by „that day”, a day of vengeance or a year of redemption for the «chosen people»... this prophecy is in harmony with all eschatological prophecies which emphasize the latter-day prophesying of «the holy and chosen people» as a culmination of the eternal desire of the One-who-Is to manifest Himself gloriously through His «chosen people». The whole book of Daniel is built on this structure of «the stone» that strikes as a vengeance of the One-who-Is in all the kingdoms that have oppressed «His people», beginning with Babylon and ending with Rome, a Rome present today in a political-religious system, a system that has manipulated throughout the ages the Scriptures and has been in a continuous struggle with the «pure truth» and «the chosen people». This vision speaks of «the last 490 days» of present history, this vision speaks of about 490 days of the blessing of the One-who-Is upon «His people» as an outpouring of love, of expectation, of a desire to embrace His prodigal son, but a son welcomed home with all love. „They will be Mine – says the One-who-Is – they will be a special treasure to Me on the day I prepare; I will have mercy on them as a man has mercy on his son who serves him. And then you will see again the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve Him.” „For I am the One-who-Is, I do not change; therefore, you «children of Jacob» have not been destroyed.”

19 Sivan – the Day of the Law – «a day hidden» at the foot of the Mount Sinai

We have no problem identifying the day when the «chosen people» came out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. And the ease of identifying that day lies not in the brightness of the moon in the sky, but in the fact that the One-who-Is took care to ensure that that day would remain in the memory of all generations to come, establishing a feast for this purpose, a kind of pillar of remembrance on the foreheads and hands of «His children» delivered from bondage; it is the essence of the Passover feast, when the lamb was slaughtered and eaten in haste on the night of the day when the «holy people» left bondage.

It is not so easy for us to identify exactly the Day when the One-who-Is manifested Himself in all His glory on Mount Sinai, amid thunder and lightning, with the angel’s trumpet and the earthquake. Why has the One-who-Is neglected to keep in memory the Day when He made Himself known as the One-who-Is the only God, the One who brought His son Israel out of the land of Egypt? We have no reason to believe that that Day was not an important day; on the contrary, there is no Day in the history of «the chosen people» more important than the Day on which God pronounced His covenant with «His people», saying: „I-Am the One-who-Is your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you here to Me. Now if you will obey My voice and keep My covenant, you shall be Mine among all peoples, for all the earth is Mine; you shall be to Me «a kingdom of priests» and «a holy nation».”

The One-who-Is has deliberately omitted to keep in memory this very special Day: the Day of the Covenant. The One-who-Is has preserved for His end-time elect the celebration of this Day, because of all the generations throughout all time since Abraham, this generation was to be – in His plan – the most special. Why? Because it is the «end-time generation» and «the generation of the redeemer». In fact, this generation is the generation that the One-who-Is had in mind from the beginning, from the day He chose Abraham, it is the generation that will fulfill all of God’s original purpose; it is the generation of the truly «firstborn» – sons and daughters – chosen and formed especially for His glory, a generation of kings and queens; after all, this is one of the important themes of the message from Heaven through Daniel: „But the saints of the Most High shall receive the Kingdom and rule the Kingdom forever and ever, from everlasting to everlasting.” Thus, it will be shown that this Day of the Covenant is both connected with the coming of the «deliverer» and with the putting of Israel back in its proper place: «the firstborn» among all the nations of the earth.

There is speculation about the place of this Day in the calendar. People, more or less special, have placed this Day according to their reckoning in the calendar. Moses did not place it where some people say, and on this subject „oral tradition” has nothing to do with the Spirit-of-prophecy. Not Moses, nor any other prophet, has so far marked the place of this Day in the calendar, to be clear! On the other hand, the Scriptures are elephant clear on this subject... you just have to see it through the eyes of the One-who-Is!

In connection with this Day, the Scriptures say through Moses that the moment of the glorious manifestation on Mount Sinai of the One-who-Is took place in the third month after the exit from Egypt. Most translators (teachers) forcibly place the time of the arrival of «the chosen people» at Mount Sinai on the first day of the third month, although the message conveyed through Moses was different, and the intention of the One-who-Is was marked by the words „on that day” („yom” + „zeh”; Exo 19:1)... the Revelator’s intention was to communicate that exactly three months after leaving Egypt, exactly on the fourteenth day of the third month, the people of Israel reached Mount Sinai... further, Moses relates that on three occasions he went up the Mount (Exo 19:3; 19:9; 19:10) to the One-who-Is, these three occasions being reflected in three consecutive days: the 15th of the third month, the 16th of the third month, and the 17th of the third month. On this seventeenth day, the One-who-Is addressed to Moses and commanded to the «chosen people» as follows (Exodus 19:10-11): „Go to the people, sanctify them today and tomorrow, and have them wash their clothes. Let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day [19th of the third month] the One-who-Is will come down before all the people on Mount Sinai.” Coincidentally or not, that Day (19 Sivan) was a Sabbath day, a day in which from the first hour the people of Israel were at the foot of the Mount, a day in which no manna fell, for on that Day the One who came down from Heaven was the One-who-Is the Bread-of-life.

It is noteworthy that two months after leaving Egypt, on the fifteenth day of the second month, not the first day, the «chosen people» met for the first time with manna, the food from heaven, and from that mid of month and full moon, the «people of Israel» learned to keep the Sabbath. For that time, the people who had come out of bondage (without sophisticated knowledge of astronomy) found it much easier to keep count of the new moons by referring to the full moon, from which full moon they counted fifteen days to determine the next month; the One-who-Is thus lowering Himself to the level of His little ones’ comprehension. On the other hand, by choosing the fifteenth day as the moment of the beginning of the experience of making Himself known to «His people» through the miracle of the manna, the One-who-Is wanted to give us a model so that we would not be confused about the day on which the «chosen people» arrived at Mount Sinai. Let us not forget that the One who determined the speed of His people’s advance to Mount Sinai was the One-who-Is, because the people moved in the rhythm and steps of the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day... in other words, the One-who-Is led His people in such a way that they would receive the Law and the covenant on a Sabbath day, on the nineteenth day of the third month (19 Sivan), the most special and important Day for the «chosen people», the Day of the Law and the covenant!... a covenant broken and lost a few days later... regrettably, exactly 49 days later, on 9 Av.

On the next day – after the Day of the Law –, on the evening of the day that was beginning, the 20th of Sivan, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu went up with Moses to the One-who-Is, and were joined by seventy elders of Israel to worship the One-who-Is from afar. On that occasion, Moses went down to the people and spoke all the words of the covenant, to which the people responded with an oath: „We will do all that the One-who-is has said”... then early in the morning Moses built an altar at the foot of the Mount and „set up twelve stones for the twelve tribes of Israel.” And «the firstborn» of each tribe of Israel brought burnt-offerings and peace offerings to the One-who-Is, and the altar was sprinkled with the blood of the bulls, and the words of the covenant were read before all the people, and all the people swore, „We will do and obey all that the Lord has said,” and Moses sealed the covenant – sprinkling the blood of the sacrifice on the people – with the words: „This is the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you by all these words.”

On the 21st day of Sivan Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy elders, went up again to the Mount, they saw the Lord, eating and drinking before him. The next day, 22 Sivan, the One-who-Is called Moses to Him to give him the two tablets of stone with the Law of the covenant, and „the commandments written for their teaching.” Moses went up the Mount with Joshua, the cloud covered the Mount, and Moses waited six days. On the seventh day, the 28th of Sivan, the One-who-Is called Moses to Him. „Moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up on the Mount. Moses remained on the Mount for forty days and forty nights.”... 28 Sivan + 40 days = 9 Av.

When the „forty days and forty nights” ended, it was the morning of the 9th of Av, a Sabbath day. Moses and Joshua came down from the Mount of the One-who-Is with the tablets of the covenant, and with the commandments (Exo 25:1 >> 31:17) written on the papyrus by the One-who-Is, commandments which stipulated all the sacramental elements by which the One-who-Is intended to teach «His people» the principles underlying true worship and implicitly the principles of salvation: the laws and requirements concerning the ceremonies of the Tabernacle. Coming down from the Mount, the two messengers of the One-who-Is heard a great noise among the people at the foot of the Mount. Not the song of victory and of the covenant was heard, on the contrary, there was dancing and rejoicing in an unprecedented drift into idolatry; the people in the meantime had made for themselves a golden calf before which they laid in dance and rejoicing all their gratitude for their deliverance from Egypt... it was an apparent deliverance, because Egypt – and its idols – was still within them. What an evil day, and what a Sabbath?! The day that should have been a sealing of blessing and covenant – expressed in the harshness of the tablets on which the Law was written – was instead one of the darkest days in all the history of «the chosen people», a day in which Moses’ breaking of the tablets of the Law also portrayed a suspension of some of the covenant clauses of the One-who-Is. The original intention of the One-who-Is that from «the firstborn» of the twelve tribes a special sowing of priests should be made, has been for ages – until now – suspended. For the first time in the history of «the chosen people» the 9th of Av was a day of bitterness, especially in the heart of the One-who-Is.

The One-who-Is on that very day of the 9th of Av apparently implied that He wanted to destroy all the people; in reality He relied on the mercy of Moses and in a certain sense the One-who-Is begged Moses’ intercession for «His people». Although at first glance one might think that the One-who-Is might have abandoned Himself by refusing to go on to lead «His people», in reality He led «His people» on to the Promised Land.

The catastrophic incident of the fall into idolatry at the foot of Mount Sinai is not the only occasion when «the chosen people» encountered the manifestation of the disappointment of the One-who-Is on the day of the 9th of Av... oh no! This people has encountered this day twice more later. One would say it is a cursed day, but it has nothing to do with its place in the calendar. It was not the day that was cursed, but the wanderings of this people after foreign gods... but, most likely, the One-who-Is has chosen this day, the 9th of Av, repeatedly to express His disapproval of the wanderings of «His chosen people» in ways foreign to the truth.

After «the chosen people» arrived in the Promised Land, after they had set up a king and later built a Temple, where all the ceremonies of the Tabernacle were set in motion, after the death of David and Solomon, the chosen people drifted unchecked back into idolatry. In fact, Israel’s entire history from the time of their settlement in the Promised Land was a continual dance between true worship and idol worship of the surrounding peoples, as if the one true God was never enough for this hungry and continually thirsty people after idols. All the actions of the One-who-Is to bring «His people» to the way of truth, actions carried out through His sent prophets, have been to no avail; the people have behaved for most of their history like chickens which, instead of seeking the protection of their brood, have always fled into the mouth of the serpent. Of course, these actions of the people have always been encouraged by the „leaders” of the people at the time: idolatrous kings, false prophets and teachers of the Scriptures whose interest was not truth or true worship... so «the chosen people» found themselves with a new manifestation of the disapproval of the One-who-Is, similar to the one on the 9th of Av when they were at the foot of Mount Sinai, but this time the Temple itself, on the 9th of Av, was destroyed by Babylon which was to take «the chosen people» into captivity for seventy years... once again the One-who-Is suspended His covenant, lifting up His protective wings, and leaving His people in the curse of visible and less visible sorcerers, whose worship they had borrowed... but at what cost!

Returning from the captivity of seventy years, back from Babylon, the people of the One-who-Is, with difficulty built the second Temple, a Temple that reflected little of the brilliance of the Temple built by Solomon; it was a picture of the state of affairs between «the chosen people» and the God who brought them out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. The diluted brilliance of the Second Temple also pointed to a covenant stripped of all the brilliance of the original intentions of the One-who-Is. We would be naïve to think that the people who came out of Babylonian captivity did not come with tattoos in their hearts of false worship from the place where they had lain for seventy years. Although since that time – of returning home – the people have been very careful not to slip into idolatry, they have slipped into something else, just as bad, if not worse than before... because idols can take many forms, idols can also take the form of words or teachings totally opposed to the truth of the Scriptures.

The people built synagogues, schools where they learned about the One-who-Is and worship. They began to defend teachings issued by „special” men („teachers” of renown); they translated the Scriptures into Greek... but the teachings were a mixture of pure truth that came through Moses and the prophets, but also added teachings crocheted in Babylon, some with Ishmaelite and Babylonian colors, and others, later, with Hellenistic and Roman colors.

If I were to ask the teachers of the «chosen people» today what is the reason why the One-who-Is once again showed His disapproval of «His people» in AD 70, by the destruction of the Second Temple by Rome on the very 9th of Av, no one(!) could identify the reason: idolatry! Why is it hard to identify it? Because at that time Israel’s idolatry was in a different form than that present at the destruction of the first Temple... and worse, this form of idolatry is still present today!

If «the chosen people», during their captivity in Babylon, had an identification of sin – idolatry! – and had a basis for repentance – „because of our sins and because of the iniquities of our fathers Jerusalem and Your people are a reproach to all those around us” –, on the occasion of the destruction of the second Temple, «the chosen people» could not identify their sin, did not know what guilt to confess, which is why the mercy of the One-who-Is was not manifested for seventy years, but for ages or centuries... the proof: the «redeemer» has not come; Israel is still scattered among the Gentiles; today there is no Temple, not even the Tabernacle... that is, the «messianic prophecies» are still unfulfilled.

The question legitimately arises: how do we know that the blame – as always – lies with the spiritual leaders (or not) of «the holy people»? How do we know that there is anything rotten, idolatrous, deadly, or unclean in the teachings of the spiritual leaders of «the chosen people»? First of all, for thousands of years they have not been able to identify the connection between the 19 Sivan with the 9 Av... nor the correlation of these dates with the coming of «the deliverer»... then, more importantly, the Scriptures prophetically say that at the coming of «the redeemer», the One-who-Is has a life and death issue with the spiritual leaders of «His people», which is why He says – promise! – that He will set over His people «one shepherd» and «one king», «the son of David», «His servant», «His branch (rod)»... «the promised deliverer» at the end of history!

I quote some prophecies:

„For thus speaks the God, the One-who-Is: Behold, I Myself will care for My sheep and will search them out! As a shepherd searches his flock when he is among his scattered sheep, so will I search My sheep and gather them from all the places where they have been scattered in the day of clouds and darkness [for the Gentiles]. And I will bring them out from among the peoples, and gather them out of the countries, and bring them back to their own land; and I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, and along the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the land. [...] And you, My sheep... thus says the One-who-Is God: Behold, I will judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and goats: is it too little for you to graze in the good pasture, that ye tread down the other side of your pasture? That you drink the one clear water, that you also trouble the other with your feet? And My sheep must then graze what you have trodden with your feet, and drink what you have troubled with your feet! [...] And I will set «one shepherd» over them, and he shall feed them, even «My servant David»; and he shall feed them, and be their shepherd. I, the One-who-Is, I will be their God, and «My servant David» will be «their ruler». I, the One-who-Is, I have spoken! I will make a covenant of peace with them [...] They shall no more be a spoil among the nations, neither shall the beasts of the land eat them, but they shall dwell in peace, and none shall trouble them. I will plant them a seedling whose fame shall be gone; they shall no more be devoured by famine in the land, nor bear the reproach of the nations.” Eze 31:11-31

„And tell them: Thus says the One-who-Is God: Behold, I will take the «children of Israel» from among the nations to whom they have gone, and will gather them from all sides, and bring them back to their own land. And I will make of them one nation in the land, in the mountains of Israel; and they shall all have «one king», and there shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms. Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, with their abominations, and with all their transgressions. I will bring them out of all their transgressions, and I will cleanse them; they shall be «My people», and I will be their God. «My servant David» shall be «king over them», and they shall all have «one shepherd». They will follow my commandments, keep my laws, and do them. They shall dwell again in the land which I gave to my servant Jacob, and which your fathers also dwelt in. Yes, they and their children and their children’s children shall dwell in it forever, and «My servant David» shall be «their prince» forever. And I will make a covenant of peace with them, and it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I will plant them, and multiply them, and put My Holy Place among them forever. My dwelling place will be among them; I will be their God and they will be «My people». And the nations will know that I-Am the One-who-Is, who sanctifies Israel, when My Holy Place is in their midst forever.” Eze 37:21-28

„Take heed, O Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph like a flock! Show Thyself in Thy brightness, Thou who sitting upon cherubim! Awaken Thy power before Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, and come to our help! Lift us up, O God, make Your face to shine, and we shall be delivered! God of hosts, turn again! Look down from heaven and see! Search this vine! Protect that which Thy right hand hath sown and «Thy chosen son»! [...] Let Thy hand be upon «the man of Thy right hand», upon «the son of the man whom Thou hast chosen». And then we shall not depart from Thee. Make us strong again, and we will call upon Your Name! O, the One-who-Are, God of hosts, raise us up again! Make Thy face to shine, and we shall be delivered!” Ps 80:1-3,14-19

„And I Myself will gather «the remnant of My sheep» out of all the countries where I have driven them; I will bring them back to their pasture, and they shall grow and multiply. [...] „Behold, the days are coming – says the One-who-Is – when I will raise up to David «a righteous branch [rod]». He shall reign, he shall work with wisdom, and he shall execute justice and judgment in the land. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall have peace in his dwelling place; and this is the name they shall give to the One-who-Is: Our righteousness! Therefore, behold, the days are coming, says the One-who-Is, when it shall no longer be said: The living is the One-who-Is, who brought forth the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt... But it shall be said: The living the One-who-Is, who brought forth and brought back the seed of the house of Israel out of the land of the north, and out of all the countries in which they were scattered... And they shall dwell in their own land.” Jer 23:3-8

„I’ll gather you up entirely, Jacob! I will gather the remnant of Israel, I will gather them like sheep in a fold, like a flock [and «a shepherd»] in its pasture, so that there shall be a great tumult of people. He who makes a breach [against ‘Babylon’] shall go up before them; they shall make a breach, and go through the gate, and come out through it; «their king» shall go before them, and the One-who-Is shall be at their head.” Mic 2:12-13

„Come, and I will tell you what «this people» will do to your people in the times to come [the end times; in that day]. I see «him», but not now; I behold «him», but not near. «A star» rises out of Jacob, «a rod» of leadership rises out of Israel. He pierces the sides of Moab and destroys all the children of Seth. He makes himself ruler over Edom, he makes himself ruler over Seir, his enemies. Israel does great works. «He who is born of Jacob» reigns as ruler and loses those who escape from the cities. Alas! Who [of the wicked] will be able to live when God does this?” Num 24:14,17-19,23

„Behold, I will send «My servant»; he shall prepare the way before Me. And suddenly «the prince» whom you seek will come in his place; «the covenant servant», whom you desire, behold, he is coming – says the One-who-Is. But who will be able to face the day of his coming? Who will be left standing when he appears?” Mal 3:1-2

„Behold, I will bring «My servant», «the branch». For behold, only to this stone [the Law] which I have set before Joshua [«priest», being «the firstborn»; typology for «Zadok», «the branch»] are seven eyes [the Spirit-of-prophecy] turned; behold, I Myself will engrave [I have engraved] what must be engraved on it – says the One-who-is – and in one day I will remove the iniquity of this land. In that day – says the One-who-Is – you will invite one another under the vine and under the fig tree.” Zec 3:8-10

Red more on Argument, The Letters of Salem, Elias Even

Contrary to many misconceptions, the most important year in history, when the Lamb of «Love» – through His death on “an altar” on the outskirts of Jerusalem – was sacrificed, is AD 32.

The Scriptures and the testimony of history point to AD 32 as the YEAR OF THE SACRIFICE!... not AD 31, not AD 33... no other year!

How do we know that?

a) Daniel's prophecy of the seventy weeks:

The Artaxerxes’ decree for the rebuilding of the Jerusalem, 456 BC (3521 yF / 503 sF).


456 BC + 69 w | 456 BC + 483 y = AD 28 # the beginning of Yeshua 3.5-year mission

3521 yF (503 sF) + 483 y (69 w) = 4004 yF (572 sF) # AD 28


456 BC + 70 w | 456 BC + 490 y = AD 35 # the beginning of the mission to the Gentiles; Paul.

3521 yF (503 sF) + 490 y (70 w) = 4011 yF (573 sF) # AD 35


AD 28 + 3.5 y = AD 32 | AD 35 - 3.5 y = AD 32


yF = years since the Fall

sF = sabbatical years since the Fall

b) The birth of Yeshua (HaMashiach)

The time of His conception in Mary’s womb was 10 Nissan 3997 yC (571 sC) / 4 BC.

The birth took place at the beginning of the following year, 3998 yC / 3 BC.

The birth took place in 3974 yF / 3 BC.


When Yeshua (HaMashiach) began His mission, He was “about thirty years old” (30 y).

3 BC + 30 y = AD 28.


4028 yC - 3998 yC = 30 y

4004 yF (572 sF) - 3974 yF = 30 y


yC = years since Adam’s “birth” / Creation

sC = sabbatical years since Adam’s “birth” / Creation

c) The "fifteenth" year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus

The time when John the Baptist began his ministry was “the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar”. Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus died on 19 August AD 14, passing the throne to Tiberius Caesar.

AD 14 (first year) + 14 y (15 - 1) = AD 28 # the year Yeshua (HaMashiach) began His ministry, and 3.5 years later, on 14 Nissan AD 32 He was crucified.

d) AD 32 is the only year in which the Lamb of «Love», that “was slain from the foundation of the world”, could die.

AD 32 / 4032 yC is the only sabbatical year (576 sC) since the “birth of Adam” in which the Lamb of «Love» could be sacrificed.

AD 32 (the year of sacrifice) and 4 BC (the year of conception) are the only sabbatical years that are correlated with Creation, all the other dates to which prophecy points are correlated with the year of the fall into sin, being its sabbatical periods:

AD 28 (4004 yF), AD 35 (4011 yF), AD 70 (4046 yF), AD 2023 (5999 yF).

by «Letters of Salem» & Springs of Salem

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