If you want to write a novel but you wor ...

If you want to write a novel but you work full-time, do these 5 important things

Feb 06, 2024

1. Create a schedule: A lot of authors fall into the trap of treating their writing like a hobby and this leads to inconsistent writing. Designate specific times during the week dedicated solely to writing. Treat it like any other important appointment and stick to it as much as possible.


In your schedule, make sure to include whatever activity you plan on tending to in that time block. If you’re plotting your novel, or editing, or trying to meet a word count goal, make sure to include it in your scheduling.


2. Set realistic goals. Understand what time constraints you have and set achievable goals. It’s better to consistently hit smaller targets than to burn out attempting larger ones. Set those small goals and slowly build up your targets until you get into a rhythm.


3. Morning bird or night owl. Find out whether you're more productive in the morning or night and align your writing sessions accordingly. This can help you capitalize on your most creative and focused periods. Flow is very important to me as an author, and to many authors, I’m sure. So find the time when you’re most likely to enter flow.


4. Manage your time wisely. Seems obvious but this is the step authors often overlook. Prioritize and eliminate distraction. Identify any habits you might have that consume unnecessary time and channel that to your writing. Use small breaks in your day to jot down ideas, outline scenes and chapters and write a paragraph or two. Use productivity tools and apps to help streamline your writing process.


5. Join a Writing Group: Connect with fellow writers, either online or in-person. Sharing your progress and challenges with a supportive community can provide motivation and accountability.


Consistency is the key to success, and progress is progress, no matter how little.

Celebrate writing 520 words the same way you’d celebrate 3028 words.


If you’d like useful writing tools to help free up your time, use this link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ebonypriestess/extras


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