Interesting news..

Interesting news..

Jan 14, 2023

One of Cumbrae's local councillors posted this on facebook earlier this week:

"Flood Defences: the contractor has been appointed. The successful bidder was Van Oord and works are planning to commence in March 2023. The community council have been advised by NAC and a range of community consultations will take place to advise of the upcoming works. We will update you when we have more details on times etc. Van Oord will also be appointing a Community Liaison Officer to work alongside business and residents throughout the project. There will be a press release coming out shortly from NAC to confirm the appointment of Van Oord."

I’ve heard various dates over the years about when the work was supposed to start, and a  major infrastructure project like this is bound to be delayed, (just look at the Purple Line in London), but I think this is different – there is now someone contracted to do the work.

"Planning to commence in March" probably means a good few weeks of surveying and sucking of teeth, so the benches are safe for a bit longer yet.

According to Wikipedia, Van Oord have been around since 1868, so they aren’t new boys on the block – they also seem to have an impressive set of projects under their belt – ‘The Palm’ and ‘The World’ both off the coast of Dubai. I wonder if they could create an island in the shape of a crocodile?

Looks like the Prem needs to get a good supply of Stroopwafel in! Yummy!

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