My TOP Anime Lists

My TOP Anime Lists

May 15, 2022
  • My Favourite Anime私の好きなアニメ

Naruto ナルト :


Best love story ever between a blond ninja boy and his emo partner ! Naruto, Sasuke and Itachi are my favourite characters ! I love the intensity between all three of them and the family dynamics between Sasuke and Itachi ! Many of you know, I am not a fan of Sakura though because she bullied Naruto but still expected him to save her several times.

Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End)終わりのセラフ


Why I love this: I love this anime because of the relationships between the main characters(Yuu and Mika, Guren and Shinya, Guren and Yuu). I have always loved the idea that you do not have to be related by blood to consider someone your family. The theme of love conquering all, even in wars and battlefields is also very appealing.

Lady Oscar/ The Rose of Versailles ベルサイユのばら:


The main protagonist Lady Oscar is just such a noble and heroic figure, I love the historical background too, and the opening song is the best (Japanese version), other languages like Italian, have completely different songs as the opening !

Romeo’s Blue Skiesロミオの青い空:


The hero of this story, Romeo, is the most beautiful and pure character ever! I hope I can be like him too !! He is kind to all, and forgiving to those who wronged him, he helps those in need, never says anything bad about anyone, and just always loving to all ! I cried watching this because it is just such a beautiful and sad story .

Aka Chan to Boku 赤ちゃんと僕:


I love this slice of life anime because of the everyday life depictions of Japan, especially Japanese homes and schools. Also I have experienced something similar myself to the main protagonist , which makes his emotions and feelings all the more real! This anime always makes my heart melt, no matter how many times I watch it.

  • Anime you must watch: This list will contain anime that every anime or Japan lover should watch just to be able to understand general anime related jokes and videos online like on instagram. This list will make sense if you see the comments section of my sakura related instagram videos.

  1. NARUTO : This love story is about a blond haired ninja who will do anything to bring the person he loves back to their home village. You definitely need to watch this to understand the sakura jokes on instagram.

  2. ONE PIECE: This anime is about a group of pirates who sail the oceans in search of a hidden treasure called "one piece". Be prepared to spend a lot of time on this anime as it has many episodes.

  3. ATTACK ON TITAN: War and destruction in a world that is full of giants that roam around and devour humans. This anime is not for the faint-hearted but the story is very compelling.

  4. DEMON SLAYER: This anime tells the story of a brother and sister in Taisho-period Japan, very popular worldwide. Children,adults and grandparents alike watch this anime in Japan. Candy, chocolates, pyjamas, stationery, and more, come in the Demon Slayer patterns everywhere in Japan.

  5. JUJUTSU KAISEN: Bookstores in Japan sell the latest editions on a limited basis, only one per person because of how poplar they are.

  6. Your Lie in April : Have you seen any sakura videos ? If you do, you will notice everyone commenting "Your Lie in April" or "another spring without you" !

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