Vocabulary Building from Beginner to Pro ...

Vocabulary Building from Beginner to Proficient

Aug 30, 2023


Vocabulary learning is a continuous process, and the progression through these levels can vary depending on the learner's background, exposure, and dedication.

Level 1: Beginner- A1

  1. Introduction to Basic Vocabulary

    • Common greetings and expressions

    • Numbers, colors, days of the week, months

  2. Everyday Objects and Actions

    • Names of common objects in the home, school, workplace

    • Simple verbs (eat, drink, walk, talk)

  3. Describing People and Places

    • Adjectives to describe appearance (tall, short, young, old)

    • Basic prepositions (in, on, under, next to)

A1 - Beginner: OUTPUT

  • Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases.

  • Can introduce themselves and others, ask and answer simple questions about personal details.

  • Can interact in a simple way, provided the other person speaks slowly and clearly.


Level 2: Elementary- A2

  1. Expanding Everyday Vocabulary

    • More verbs (read, write, watch, listen)

    • Names of animals, fruits, vegetables

  2. Talking About Activities

    • Action verbs related to hobbies and routines

    • Basic adverbs (quickly, slowly, always, never)

  3. Building Sentence Structure

    • Basic sentence patterns (subject-verb-object)

    • Using question words (who, what, where, when, why

A2 - Elementary: OUTPUT

  • Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance.

  • Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a direct exchange of information on familiar topics.

  • Can describe aspects of their background, immediate environment, and matters in areas of immediate need.


    Level 3: Intermediate- B1

  • Developing Specific Vocabulary

    • Vocabulary related to professions, travel, food

    • Compound words and idiomatic expressions

  • Expressing Opinions and Feelings

    • Adjectives for emotions and opinions (happy, sad, interesting, boring)

    • Synonyms and antonyms to enrich vocabulary

  • Exploring Complex Sentence Structure

    • Introduction to clauses (dependent and independent)

    • Adverbial phrases to provide more detail

B1 - Intermediate: OUTPUT

  • Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters.

  • Can deal with most situations while traveling in an area where the language is spoken.

  • Can produce simple connected text on familiar topics or personal experiences.


Level 4: Upper Intermediate- B2

  1. Expanding Vocabulary for Various Contexts

    • Vocabulary for work, leisure, social interactions

    • Idioms and expressions for everyday situations

  2. Enhanced Communication Skills

    • Complex sentences with confidence

    • Conversational fluency in various scenarios

  3. Reading and Writing Development

    • Understanding more intricate texts

    • Expressing ideas clearly in writing

B2 - Upper Intermediate: OUTPUT

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics.

  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible.

  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain viewpoints on various topics.


    Level 5:Advanced- C1

  • Vocabulary for Academic and Work Contexts

    • Technical terms related to fields of interest

    • Business vocabulary and formal expressions

  • Advanced Idioms and Collocations

    • Understanding idiomatic expressions in context

    • Words that commonly collocate (make a decision, strong coffee)

  • Precise and Nuanced Vocabulary

    • Synonyms with subtle differences in meaning

    • Vocabulary related to abstract concepts and debates

C1 - Advanced: OUTPUT

  • Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning.

  • Can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

  • Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.


Level 6: Proficient- C2

  1. Nuanced Language Use

    • Rare or archaic words with specific connotations

    • Understanding regional and dialectical variations

  2. Figurative and Poetic Vocabulary

    • Recognizing metaphors, similes, and analogies

    • Studying literary terms and devices

  3. Tailoring Language to Audience and Context

    • Formal vs. informal language

    • Adjusting language for written vs. spoken communication

C2 - Proficient: OUTPUT

  • Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.

  • Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts.

  • Can express themselves spontaneously, very fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in complex situations.


PRO TIP: Remember that these levels are approximate, and learners might progress at different paces. Consistent exposure to a variety of materials, contexts, and practice is key to effective vocabulary development.

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